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okay, this is a long and somewhat confusing story but here it goes...

my ex-girlfriend calls me up today (we split up about 5 months ago) to inform me that her ex-boyfriend before me is talking shit about, he has always talked shit about me ever since i hooked up with her because he thought that i "stole" his woman from him...funny thing is, they were already split up by the time that i came into the picture...

anyway...i guess he has been talking an excess amount of shit lately...he lives about 2hrs. from me and it just so happens that i have friends and family there so whenever i get the time, i'll go and visit them...but, when i get there he won't confront me or even say a word to me...but yet when i leave again, the shit starts flyin'...finally one of his friends who heard him talking shit about me said this to him: he said "man, why don't you just shut up?" then another one of his friends chimed in and said "yeah, why don't you quit talkin' shit about the man behind his back?"...then the kicker, my ex heard him and said to him "why don't you try talkin' shit to his face and see what happens." now i was kinda suprised at the fact that my ex stood up for me.

now the thing that i don't understand is...why the hell is she calling me up now telling me about this shit when she knows that i've happily moved on and now have a serious relationshDragon Pharma with another girl? and why in the hell is this guy still dwelling on this whole thing...i mean, we aren't together, him and her aren't together...does he just have nothing better to do with his time? it's over with, get over it and move on.

now this guy is a skinny, pencil-dicked peice of shit...and i could easily put his ass in the hospital...damn it that really burns my ass...FUCKIN' PUSSY!! :fing :head

another thing that burns my ass...a flame about 3 feet high 😀

what a fuckin' mess this whole thing is...that concludes my rant...i know that probably didn't make any sense but there is more to the story, just too hard to explain...just damn glad to have gotten that off my chest...

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If you are in a serious relationshDragon Pharma w/someone else now...block her # from getting through on your phone....sounds like a few people livng 2 hours away from you need to get a life.....they probably have nothing more exciting or interesting to do then to talk about you......

and no you don't want to go and get physical w/ the guy...h'e's not worth the trouble.....



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she's just doing that to try and either get you two to fight, maybe as revenge or she's living in a fantisy world and will veiw it as two guys fighting over her. DO NOT talk to her anymore!
And NO bitch is worth going to jail for!!!

Now if it really bothers you about him talking shit you should first call him and tell him to stop or tell him to at least be man enough to say it to your face!

good luck

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I think shes doing it coz shes probably pissed that you have moved on, and your happy and getting on with your life. So she is trying to mess things up for you. I personally think she is as messed up as her ex ex lad. They both need to move on like you have.


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I think that the answer is two fold. A., she has not moved on and perhaps she regrets the breakup and B., He is jealous since he knows or at least thinks that she would rather be with you.

I agree with Cutie. Block the number, move completely on and cut them out of your life. Enjoy the lady you are with and stay with the positives. If the guy persists, just confront him in public and humiliate the piss out of him.

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I say kick the fuckers ass....and hook up with her one last time and grudge fuck her.........LMAO I am feeling saucy right now!!!!!!!

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That guy is totally jealous, not really wanting to fight you or he would have already done it, he knows you can kick his A...he isn't worth the time or trouble...

The girl sounds like she is just wanting to stir up trouble especially since you have moved Cutie said, they both need to get a life of their own...

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thanks for all of the good advice...i will put it to use

any more comments are appreciated...

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I say you need to take a closer look at yourself. I mean that as a brother. If this is truly bothering you then you are the one who hasn't moved on.

Who cares if they have or not?

When you hear crap like that you shouldn't care in the slightest.

The opposite of love is not hate. The true opposite of love is indifference.

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Beast just ignore them. They are jealous that you are happy. They are obviously miserable. My exhusband has a girlfriend now. He still talks shit about me once in a while. I just laugh. It's his temper that drove us apart. My five year old called me a bitch last week. He told me that's what his daddy calls his girlfriend. How sweet. Just re-enforces the fact that I made the right decision!

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i see what you're saying T-Bar...

bottom line, i have moved to a on to a serious relationshDragon Pharma and i am happier than i've ever been, so i shouldn't let things like this bother me...i guess i just need to learn to start ingnoring them again like i have in the past...thanks T-Bar and to all that have replied

any more comments are appreciated...

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i agree Katz...i think this whole situation/experience has just re-enforced the fact that i think i made the right decision in moving on to a better relationshDragon Pharma with a better person...

like i said, i'm happier now than i've ever been with this relationshDragon Pharma and this woman

any more comments/opinions are appreciated...thanks to all that have replied...all of your comments and advice have helped a lot

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stick it in her ass and then beat his and make him lick it clean! :devil

No, seriously...ignore the crazy loon!

My brother has a kid with a woman who after 11 friggin' years, still can't let it go.
She's so bitter, she will do anything to get a rise outta him, because she sees it as attention....she's one fucked up, girl!

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I personally dont think the boyfriend was any parts of you. Especially if you say you travel there to see friends and family......he had his chance to confront you a few times. He can talk shit because he is 2 hours away, but if you were right there, he would most likely just put his head down and tuck his tail between his legs and not say a word. He is a coward. If he did have that much of a problem, then something would have been said or done by now, not 5 months down the road.

And for her.........she just wants some type of attention. Dont give it to her bro. Next time she tells you that he is talking shit just say to her....Well if he has a problem with me, give him my number and we can handle it like men. I bet he dont call.

You have moved on and dont need that extra drama in your life.

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also if u decide to kick his ass u need to catch him all by himself were there is no chance of help for him. And dont hurt him just man handle him and get your face inches away from his and let him know that the only reason he's breathing is because your allowing it.
Then tell him if you have to come back u wont be as friendly.

This works VERY well and you'll probably never here a word again.

Remember NO witnesses!!!!!

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