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Ok if tribulis gives you testesterone, or help releases it why isn't everyone taking tons of it? Its cheap and its legal.

Does it not work for everyone?

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Tribulis is a precursor to making natural Testosterone in the body, and sometimes it is quite ineffective. Males naturally produce 4-7mg of testosterone per day. Tribulis might be able to increase production by a milligram or two. It is completely different than injecting 100mg, 500, 1000mg, 2000mg, or whatever dosage the person chooses per week.

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What brands are you guys using now?

m R g S r
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Bio I'm curious as to why it would be "quite ineffective?"

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In many studies, there are claims that the tribulus does not convert or stimulate enough natural testosterone. The whole point to take tribulus is to start producting more LH, which is the luteinizing hormone. The LH will then convert into testosterone. Many times the body does not recognize tribulus, and it considers it a toxin. Then it can just be excreted. More times than most, it just doesn't work. Another note is that tribulus usually does not increase testosterone production past the normal range. That is what I meant by quite ineffective.

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Bio is right the studies show it only works if your body need test levels uped like in older men, if you dont your body just shits it out. Trib works wonder in me. I take an extream amount though as if you dont it also dont work over killing on it works better i take 8g per day thats 2x times the mega dose of a bb. But yes it is damn cheap I get 1lbs of the stuff for 19 bucks. and tongkat ali 1/2lbs for 39 bucks mix both and take zink and you will have the max test your body can create.

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My general rule is that if over the counter Test boosters were effective then they would be illegal.


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My general rule is that if over the counter Test boosters were effective then they would be illegal.


Opinion on pro-hormones?

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Opinion on pro-hormones?

I don't hold them in high regard. After being ripped off years ago bying 'legal steroids' and dissapointed in T-Bomb by MHP I decided to get with the real.


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Bio is right the studies show it only works if your body need test levels uped like in older men, if you dont your body just shits it out. Trib works wonder in me. I take an extream amount though as if you dont it also dont work over killing on it works better i take 8g per day thats 2x times the mega dose of a bb. But yes it is damn cheap I get 1lbs of the stuff for 19 bucks. and tongkat ali 1/2lbs for 39 bucks mix both and take zink and you will have the max test your body can create.

Bingo! That's the formula I use, works wonders for me---even when I'm natural, just makes me horny as hell, and feeling heavy between the legs. Tribulus, Zinc, and Tongat Ali. Mind you, I don't take as much as you.. but it still works wonders.

I usually do 2g of Tribulus, 50mg of Zinc (any more and I get stomach cramps), and 400mg of Tongat Ali.

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No Carrier try this. you will be pleasently shocked. Cycle zink at 100mg for 2 weeks right after a cycle or in the midle of a pct time off, do your trib at my dose or 6 g, take your tongkat ali the way you do now as your probably taking enough that stuff is powerful as hell. I take 1 teaspoonful perday. after the 2 weeks is up go back down to 50mg zink, and then 1 week later stop zink for 3 days to clean up your system of it. then hit it back at 50mg and leave it there. The trib in high doses makes you hella horney and gives you real full nuts sorry Golfballs hanging. Try this for 1 month and let me know if you like it.

m R g S r
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So you guys are agreeing that studies show that it is only needed for older men, yet you see positive results yourselves? How old are you guys?

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So you guys are agreeing that studies show that it is only needed for older men, yet you see positive results yourselves? How old are you guys?

Not only for older men, but for PCT & generally lower than normal test levels.

m R g S r
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okay sorry if i offended you guys didn't mean to!

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I am a few days from 41...

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