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2nd cycle

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Any suggestions???

Wks.1-8 EQ@ 400mg/wk
Wks.1-4 Fina @ 38mg/EOD
Wks.4-8 winstrol @ 50mg/day

clomid to follow up... and Nolvadex on hand...

Also wanted to throw in some in clen or t3.... wanted to put on 10 quality lbs. and drop considerable bodyfat for spring break... 😉

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All I know is that you shouldn't use fina on your second cycle according to mods. Should do a couple more cycles before considering fina, it's kinda harsh.

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any other opinions?

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yeah, I'm questionable about the fina on your second cycle too. it is harsh, but it works. FYI, 38mgs eod on fina is very light.
maybe substitute the fina for test prop, say 100mgs EOD with the EQ. somethin like that.
you could alternate between clen and a good ECA if ya wanted. 2 weeks on each, then switch.

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Personally, I like it.
I dont see any problems with it.

I would go a little more aggresive with the fina and extend the fina and wini to 6 weeks of use but thats just me.

I would do something like this

EQ@400mg W1-8
Fina@ 76mg/eod W3-8 or W5-10(I like this one more).
Wini@ 50mg/ed W3-8 or W5-10(Same as above).
Clomid: post cycle.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 28

If you really wanna go with the fina because that is what you have then I say go with the 75 mgs EOD . most kits yield you about 22 cc of tren @75 mgs for 1 cart . shooting EOD you should be good for around 5 weeks . I personally ran fina for 10 weeks @120 mgs EOD with no problems other than a slightly elevated BP and I was still in the normal range just higher than what i'm ususally at
