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Would any of you say taking .25mg of Arimidex three times a week for an 8 week cycle of test500, deca400 would be better than having some Nolvadex on hand. I know having nolva on hand and taking arimidex would bet better, but if you had to buy only one anti-E what would you choose? I just thought that arimidex three times a week might be ok and it wouldn't be too expensive for the benefits. But, if that is too little of a dose for arimidex I will just get nolvadex. Thanks--2small 😀

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Everyone is different, maybe 0.75mg a week will prevent gyno from 500mg of test but maybe it will not......what happens if you need more? Me, I would use, at least, 0.25mg/ed in a cycle like that.

I would advise getting alot of whatever you can afford(nolvadex). 10-20mg/ed on the sign of gyno symptoms will work.
Its better to have more of 1 thing and not need it than to have less of another thing and need more.

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Sorry, I forgot to add that I have 40 proviron tabs coming in too.

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Bro geth some more dex. You can always get it from the 3 initial guy from across the big pond ,he is really cheap on that and other anti's

Chest Rockwell
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By that cycle I'm assuming that you've done a couple of cycles before. Are you prone to gyno? Any problems in the past? If not, you can go either way. Remember, Nolvadex prevents the excess estrogen from binding, therefore preventing the side effects. Arimidex stops the production of estrogen. People still debate on whether the added estrogen produced by high Testosterone levels adds to the strength and muscle gains. Just more food for thought. Oh, and don't forget your clomid for post cycle.
