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Does Arimidex hinder gains like Nolvadex?? More or less... at all???

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None that I know of?

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Actually, Arimidex raises IGF-1 ........... Nolvadex lowers IGF-1, which is why Nolvadex is said to hinder gains....


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It is actually recommended to get blood work done when using Arimidex to make sure you don't lower estrogen levels too much. It is theorised that some estrogen presence is required to keep androgen receptors "open". I still believe the positives outweigh the negatives with it though...........just my thoughts......


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You're good to go with the arimidex. You'll see much better gains with arimidex than you would with nolvadex, or even just the test alone. It will do you no good with gear that doesn't aromatize though.

As far as the nolvadex goes, in addition to suppressing growth factors such as IGF and TGF, it will also inhibit protein synthesis as well.

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I have never used arimidex therefore I have a few questions:

would (1) .25 mg tab a day be good enough for the titties???
It also helps with the h20 retention caused by A-50 right?

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Originally posted by Bones
I have never used arimidex therefore I have a few questions:

would (1) .25 mg tab a day be good enough for the titties???
It also helps with the h20 retention caused by A-50 right?
0.25mg should be enough in most cases although the amount of anti-aromatase required rises with increasing steroid doses, so it will depend on the cycle size you do.
Yes it will help reduce water retention from the A-50, but will not help with gyno from A-50 as this comes courtesy of progesterone and not estrogen via aromatase......hope this helps bro.....


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If you have problem with gyno from abombs, you may have to throw some winny in there. That gets pretty tough on your liver though.

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arimidex wont hurt gains, it works better at reducing bloat than nolva also. Try .25 eod then .25 ed if eoc doesnt work
