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Correcting under mg/doseage

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Dilemma, I have had to go to 1cc of Tren A nd 1.5 cc of Test Prop every day. I now know with all the filtering I had to do to save the test prop it is way under mg. With 2.5 cc of oil and gear going in every day it is lumping me up and a pain in the ass and quad. With that large of an injection every day I cannot rotate in my delts, which is another problem.

My thought is to get more Synovex and make more test powder/crystals. Mix in the BA and BB only and then inject a small amount into the Suspension I have already made. Then re-bake to get some of the alcohol out.

I realize this is going to be trial and error – does anyone have ideas?

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I'd call it a lesson learned. The last thing I would do is make a new batch and try to combine some into an already made batch. That's just not smart. How would you ever know what mg/ml ratio you really have.
2.5 cc is not all that much. It's alot, but I fail to see why you don't have enough injection sites between 2 glutes, 2 quads, 2 delts....

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I have thought about it some more and agree with you. I should chalk it up to a bad batch and redo the experiment. I did learn many things during the first run and will be able to put in place some tricks I learned along the way.

I did find my estrogen levels where elevated higher than they should have been with a simple batch of Synovex. Any tricks on washing off the estrogen you want to share?

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just use a simple anti-est in your cycle, like proviron, arimi,femara, nolv, etc.
