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cycle help

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please help iam 27 215 20% bf i got 1 cycle of test cyp. 100 Halotestins 10 sustenon 50 cc of deca from mex and 100 Anavar. should i break off into 2 cycles or just do one.

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is it your first cycle? give us the mg of the tabs and the cyp and the deca............

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a couple of cycles in high school. 2mil of halotestin 200 mil of test 2mil anavar 250 mil of sus 50 mil deca

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Yeah... you're gonna have to tell us how many milligrams of each one you have. We don't have much to go off of right now. That's like saying, I got some flour and sugar etc... now is this enough for one or two cakes? Well fucked if I know.

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10cc 200 mil cyp 100tabs 2mil of halotestin 50cc 50 mil deca 10cc250mil of sustenon

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is it your first cycle? give us the mg of the tabs and the cyp and the deca............

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I say go with sumpin like this:

week 1-10 cyp 200mg/wk
week 1-10 sust 250mg/wk
week 1-6 deca 400mg/wk

Just throw a few halos in there before you go to lift... that should do ya pretty well.

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I agree with Tadger. Bro, for future reference when you say "mil"
most of us think ml as in say a 10ml vial of Deca(quantity).

The potency is normally referred to in mgs...not mils....or what it should really say is mgs/ml....milligrams per milliliter.

You know what you're talking about obviously but many people would get confused by that language. No flame brotha, just trying to help you out to get better answers to your questions.


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U need to lose some bf first my name says i`m fat to but i`m 325lbs at 23% bf and at your weight u carry alot of bf and when u bulk it wil get to high.
U can do the cycle but kep your diet very lcean so u wont gain to much bf imo.

later FB
