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Dnp?? Anybody???

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I'm about to finish my first cycle ever,(winny and clen) and I am very tempted to try DNP for extra fat loss and cuts, but 'researching' I found out that is a very unstable and dangerous stuff,(used to manufactured the most crazy s#@^!) but again the best for fat loss,
I understand that you only take 2mg per body weight (in kilos)
does anybody has anyexperience with it? is it worth the risk? is it as good as they say?(getting rid of the fat?) and if it is what's it's in the (black) market?

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Okay, I have used DNP on three cycles. The first time I lost around 18 pounds in 2 weeks. The loss was both muscle, water and fat, though I believe mostly fat. A few things you should know about DNP.

1. It can kill you. This is no joke. I will never use it again. The LD 50 (the dose that is lethal to 50% of the population) is only 4 times the therapeutic dose. DNP stays in your system for about three days, so it builds up over time. As a result, you can have a much higher level of the drug in you than you realize. If you do decide to use it, start with a very low dose, say 200 mg's / day for at least the first 4 days. Then increase by 200 mg's every three days. When you are so hot, miserable, lethargic and fear death, you have reached (or perhaps exceeded) your limit. Back off 200 mg's and see how that works. The highest dose I ever reached was 800 mg's / day when I was at around 265 pounds.

2. The side effects are brutal. My first DNP cycle was in mid summer. It was in the high 80's to mid 90's most days and the heat was unbearable. I later used it in a winter cutting cycle and the heat was less of a problem. I just set my thermostat to 55 degrees and the heat was not so bad.

3. You can quickly get dehydrated using DNP. If you normally drink a gallon of water in day, when using DNP up that to at least 2 gallons, three if you can swallow it.

4. Be prepared for serious lethargy. Forget things like working, lifting, having sex, cutting your grass, doing laundry, etc. Walking up a flight of stairs will seriously tax your system. When I use it, I sweat profusely, my face turns a bright red and I run a fever of 102 - 103. On my first cycle, my employer wanted to be hospitalized as he feared I would die in the office.

5. Be aware that DNP turns everything yellow. That includes your urine, semen, sweat, etc. If people see it, they will wonder why.

All that being said, nothing burns fat better than DNP. It is hard to deal with it, but it does work.

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in one of the very many web sites that I research, they say that you should take no more than 2mg x bdy weight in kilos
I'm 185 lb = 86 kilos --- 172mg a day. what do you think?
also how long take the side effects to go away?
and why is it so hard to get? is 8bucks for a 200mg cupsules

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I think at $8 per capsule you are getting ripped off. I have seen DNP priced from $0.50 to $2.00 a cap. Oh and make sure you trust your source. I think one guy sold me rat poison and called it DNP. I took two caps and I thought that I was not going to live through the night.

As for the time in your system, I think I stated earlier that it is about 3 days. That is the reason you should not increase your dose more quickly than once every three to four days.

BTW, I am not a source, nor do I give out the names of sources for DNP or any other substance.

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strong advice flexinnc...more people should research product as much as you...

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great info given by flex. for those that are interested in using/trying DNP, they really should look at this thread.

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yep, good info Flex...speaking from personal experience, everything that Flex said was right on...sweating, lethargy, etc...but it does work. you just have to be careful and most importantly, you have to be educated on it.

i kept my dosages at 200mg/day for about a week, and it really brought me down (lethargy, etc..) but i lost some weight...i stopped taking it after a week...although i will probably use it again when i'm ready to cut (after my current bulk cycle), i will probably only use it for the last week of the cut just to fine tune.

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yeah! great info! thanks for that, my plan WAS to take it for a week starting with 100mg for three days, and increase it 'till hit 200mg , but since you said that I was getting Ripped at 8 $ a 'pop' that makes me 'doubt' about the quality of the product.....
this stuff is so hard to get is not cool!!!
