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What do you guys know about and think of Equipoise? Also what would be good to stack with it?

Trusted Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 87

there have been two pretty good threads with good info on EQ in the past couple of days. look around for them. at least one is in this forum.

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You know my response to that.
Nothing less than 1g a week of EQ...just kidding, just kidding.

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Thanks Cardi you're always a big help!!!!!

Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 26

I really liked it, just ran it for 400mg/week, for 12 weeks, all by itself.. slow/quality gains, and kept alot of it too...... good stuff......... you won't go through the roof on the stuff but you will get stronger & more vascular.............

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Posts: 41

I like EQ as well. Normally, I stack it with some form of test, don't really care which and an oral. For mass I will use D-bol or for cutting I normally go with Anavar. Solid gains and few side effects. A lot of people find that EQ tends to increase their appetite, so they like it on mass cycles, but avoid it when cutting. Again, about 400-600 mg/wk works for me.

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Just so you know look at flexinnc's title and you will notice it says Elite Juicer. The man does not mess around and is VERY experienced. You probably would not need his kind of dosages. I've seen some of his past cycles and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Flex, no offense bro. 🙂
If you're going to use it we need some stats such as age, weight, height to suggest anything. If its a first or second cycle you could use 300-400mgs/wk and see quality gains from it. I'm going to have it this summer and stacking it with winny to get diced for the ladies.

