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First Cycle Questions/Advice

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I am 27 years old and have been training off and on since I got out of high school. My best shape was at about 240 lb with around 15% BF. I got married a few years ago and put on some serious fat. In January of this year I started the Atkins diet and have lost a considerable amount of weight. Combined with lots of cardio and weight training I have gone from 300+ to 235 this morning.

I am intersted in doing a cycle that will help me get the rest of the fat off while increasing my muscle mass. I understand a diet change is in order and I will soon start to incorperate carbs back into my diet.

What do you guys recommend?

Thank you for the help,


Steel Reserves
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First a big congats on your progress so far. How much more weight are you wanting to lose? Or are you just trying to lower your bf%? Off the top of my head I would recommend a prop, eq,winny cycle. Hook us up with some more stats and goals so we can better help you out.


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Sorry I put this in the profile thread. If somebody wants to put it in the newbie or cycle thread then please do.

Well I am 6 foot 235 now. I have never been really ripped so I guess my weight goal = when I can see the abs hehe. I am guessing another 20-30 lbs of fat.

My main goal is to be really cut for the first time in my life. I have never been there before so I don't know what weight that will be. Maybe 230 < 10% BF. That would be great!

Thank you again for the help,


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classic first cycle test/eq and a clean diet will do wonders..

test 400-500mg/wk,EQ 400mg/wk..

Steel Reserves
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Bump Ironman. Add some winny @50mg/ed or 100mg/eod for the last 6 weeks for that extra edge.


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bump iron man

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Thank you for the input.

How long would the cycle be? If I were to add Winny would I go off of the test at that point?

This sounds like a serious grow cycle. Will I be wanting to eat everything in sight?

Steel Reserves
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You said you want to get rip so it shouldn't be a bulking cycle, I wouldn't recommend eating everything in site. Don't discontinue the test when you start your winny either. Run a 10 week cycle like this

Winny-50mg/ed or 100mg/eod starting on week 5 ending after week 10. That'll give you 6 weeks on the winny and will compliment everything else nicely.

And since you want to trim eat very clean and hit the cardio for 1/2hr 3-4 times a week.


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I'd do this cycle for 12 weeks.. eq just works better the longer you run it.. if you want to add winny do it at week 8 for 6 weeks so everything clears you system at the same time.. start pct nolva/clomid..

your diet is going to determine your results.. high protein is must.. stay away from junk food and you'll be very happy..

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Right On Iron Man

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Thank you again for the feedback.

I read around alot of the forums and I think I am getting all of the achronyms now.

So the cycle would go something like this:

Bl (seems to be the best) Test (cyp, enath, or sust) = 500mg/wk
EQ = Equipoise 400mg/wk
Winny =winstrol 100mg/eod at week 8
nolva@ 40mg/ed 2 weeks after last shot

A couple questions.
Should I take a smaller does of Nolva during the whole cycle?
For the big weekly injections should I focus those on the big muscles, ie the gluts and the quads only?
Do you inject the Test and EQ on the same day of the week?

Thanks again for the help guys. Trying to do a lot of research on this before I take this big step.

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I usually run 10-20 mg nolva ed when cycling.. some say it hurts gains but I'd rather lose a little then grow tits.. I personally think it only reduces water weight..

I'd spilt it up into 2 injects per week.. every 3-4 days.. 1cc (250mg) test, 1cc (200mg) eq in the same syringe.. warm the laoded syringe in a cup of hot water for 1 or 2 minutes to ease the injection..

IMO 2 cc's can go anywhere.. glutes, quads, delts are probably the most popular but I also hit bis, tris, & pecs.. 2 injects per week should be no problem rotating just quads.. glutes can be a bitch unless someone is helping you inject..

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What oil do you recommend? From the boards it seems there are several oils recommended as long as it is USP Grade seems to be the big requirement.

As far as diet is concerned.

Obviously lots of protien. Lots of skinnless chicken breasts, low fat cut beef, fresh fish, whey protein shakes. 4-500 grams a day?

Carbs are going to be hard for me as I have been on the atkins diet for quite some time. I want to stay away from simple sugars (except post workout) and starches. Lots of fresh vegetables I guess. Suggestions....

Fats. The atkins diet encourages a high fat diet so this will take some changes for me. I am used to being able to have butter, cheeses etc. Obviously try to keep the saturated fat down.

What are your thoughts on sodium?

What do you guys use for helping to add flavor?

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That cycle will be quite noticible as far as muscle gains are concerned. Do you think you wife might notice? Try something lighter.
Wait till you get lean and then:
EQ 200-300mg
Test Prop/phynlprop 400mg
I will help you with diet jerky. As long as your fiber is high you don't need to stay so close to Atkins.
Nice 500 would be a good first cycle as well.

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Oh yeah I almost forgot! For flavor I like to use the most natural, high sodium, creatine rich, easily dispensed supplement available...

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