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Joined: Jun 2, 2022
Last seen: Nov 9, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 53
RE: Not what I'd like to wake up to in the morning

Wouldnt mind waking up to this every morning.....One of my favorites!

2 years ago
RE: Women who use var

i also feel that Chepiga is a VERY beautiful bodybuilder, she has it all as far as im concerned, beautiful face, NO implants, wheels as well as the re...

2 years ago
RE: Women who use var

does your wife stay on the Deca all the time? when she comes off doesn't she have a problem with joint pain? i certainly did. i will never run it agai...

2 years ago
RE: Women who use var

deca@ 50mg/wk seems to do my wife just fine.. add in a little fina and masteron and nothing stops her..

2 years ago
RE: T3 for mature bro's

I'm going to be running it at 25mcg ED for 30-40 days in my cutting cycle. I've been told by a few to use lower doses for longer.That way it doesnt sc...

2 years ago
RE: T3 for mature bro's

Personally I'm not a fan of T3. QOD is experimenting with gugglesterone as this supplement in the right dose will cause a greater conversion of your n...

2 years ago
RE: Liquid clen 4 the ladies?

count out the drops to get to 1/8th cc.. then just use the eye dropper..

2 years ago
RE: Need some training advice for my girlfriend

Have her train like a man.. 3x3, 5x5.. imo the best looking women in the gym are the ones that train heavy.. no worries about her getting a manly look...

2 years ago
RE: Insulin and cuttin

I've had ok results cutting us slin & glophage post w/o only..

2 years ago
RE: Deca Date

remember that deca has a long half life and doesn't even really start to kick in until week 4-5.. your blood levels will continue to increase.. keep a...

2 years ago
RE: Deca Date

winny dose seems high.. my wife did well with 12.5mg/eod.. for 4 weeks she also ran it with deca for 16 weeks.. started out at 50mg/wk but backed it o...

2 years ago
RE: Tren- Fat burning and "fina cough" both from prostaglandin metabolization

Home brew is probably about 50% of what people expect.. even using the crystal meathod you would be very lucky to get 85% yield.. using ba/bb to extra...

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

Bro how did you make out with this??

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

Don't expect much help from cranberry juice.. Are you running any ECA's or allergy meds? they can be causing this. Saw Palmetto helps shrink an enlarg...

2 years ago
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