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has anyone heard of people taking a 10ml bottle of sust250 and adding 50mg more of Test Prop 2 it and if im doing a 10 week cycle of sust 500mg a week when sould i start the clomid also i know that it takes 3 months 2 get the test out of your system for testing purps but how long does the clomid take and will it show up on a sports test

thanx any help would be great

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start the clomid two weeks after your last test shot. run in 50mg, 100mg,50mg. not sure how long it takes before you're clean for testing with the clomid, but i'm sure someone here does.

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not 100% sure, but if i'm not mistaken i don't think Clomiphene Citrate (AKA...Clomid) itself shows up in a drug test...but the test will come back to say that you have elevated Testosterone levels (above the normal testing range...don't have those figures off the top of my head though)...which could lead to some questions...

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Originally posted by iceski
has anyone heard of people taking a 10ml bottle of sust250 and adding 50mg more of test prop 2 it and if im doing a 10 week cycle of sust 500mg a week when sould i start the clomid also i know that it takes 3 months 2 get the test out of your system for testing purps but how long does the clomid take and will it show up on a sports test

Um... if you mean adding 50mg prop/ml... then the answer is yes. You'd be talking about dragon pharma's prop enhanced sust. lol.

Personally, I'd go with test prop instead of sust if you're worried about being tested. If all you're gonna use is test.... then why use one with such long acting esters? Just go with prop or suspension... or dragon pharma's prop/suspention combo. oooh. I like that idea. As for the clomid... if you're worried about NCAA testing, clomid isn't actually tested for. They measure your test/epitest ratio usually.... and the chances of them testing you for testosterone is pretty low. They give you a choice of 3 cups to piss in. Each one tests for 3 specific things... so the chances of you actually getting tested for what you're taking are pretty low.

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thankx guys for the help
