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Joint pain

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Hello guys
I just want to know how many mg of deca a week will make the pain desapear, I don't intend to use deca on the cycle i'm currently on it is just for the pain, or just take apin killers.

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Ice , motrin and rest.

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I mix 100mg of deca in my EQ once a week and it works good, but I am also on pain meds all year round, so you might need 100 mg 2 times a week, but try 100mg first. and give it 5 weeks to start working.

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tadger just posted on this. From what I understood, it desensitizes and when you go off, the pain kicks in. Sort of like Cortizone does.

I'm no way an expert here, read his post, don't take my word for it

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tadger just posted on this. From what I understood, it desensitizes and when you go off, the pain kicks in. Sort of like Cortizone does.

I'm no way an expert here, read his post, don't take my word for it

That's because It work the same way by blocking those cortizoid receptors. I'm not a big fan of deca for that reason. It works great for some, but people who really do not understand it can do unrepairable damage.

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That's because It work the same way by blocking those cortizoid receptors. I'm not a big fan of deca for that reason. It works great for some, but people who really do not understand it can do unrepairable damage.

Marty hit the nail on the head... except the word he was lookin for was glucocorticoid. 😉

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They may be against it, but dude if your joints hurt take the stuff, unless you think your joints can heal IGF could heal them, you would need to do 1 month on 1 off 1 on 1 off 1 on and then they would be heald if healable. But if you think its bersidis or artheritis, then do what I said to do thats what I have and I use it and it works very well, and i dont reinjure my self, you just got to make sure you are using perfect form, and not going to heavy to fast. I did 3 IGF bottles and half my pains left for ever. But some are still with me and the deca works great for them. I would first see what is giving you the pains, if its a healable pain from ice rest so on, then dont mask it with pain releif of any kind, or you will hurt your self further (thats what the guys here are trying to say but they get so sientific you some times dont get what they are saying :O) but like I said if its unhealable then use the deca I do and works exalent.

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It's my shoulder it hurts on bb presses incl and flat, db are no prob, and it also hurts to raise the db por shldr prss.
I'll try 50mg deca a week to see how it goes, the cycle I'm on right now is 12 weeks TE+EQ, i'm on week 2

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sounds like a bicept tendon, the best thing for that is rest ice and heat treatments. If that does not make it feel better get a cortazone shot.

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I dunno... you should probably get it looked at. Since you notice the pain when doin BB presses, but not DB presses... my guess is the problem is your rotator cuff. They can be a bitch... I've torn both on several occasions... and it doesn't take much to tweak em now.

Ya may wanna go talk to the doc... see what he recommends. I'd suggest takin a little time off... few days... a week maybe, then do lots of rotator cuff work. Warm up slowly and stretch. Try that for several weeks, and see if that helps. As stated above, simply masking the pain should be a last resort.

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250mgs per week 🙂


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I'm going to the beach this weekend so I'll be resting a lot and eating too. I'll see how it feels on monday.
Thanks for your replies

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I think that the rest will do you good. If the pain still persist after the rest you should go get it looked at

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I had some serious R.C. problems early last year. Thought it was no big and started taking shit to mask it just to get through my workout. I knew I needed to stop when I couldn't reach out andlift my cup of coffee without dropping the cup.

So, I iced it, rest it and did some minor rehab shit. It started feeling better 4-5 months later so I started working around it. If it hurt, I didn't do it. I couldn't do dumbell shoulder pressed together. Hurt to damn bad. But I could do one shoulder at a time without pain. I couldn't hop in the hammer strength machine and do presses together, but one at a time was fine. This was an idea given to me by one of my instructors. Just changing my alignment a tad did wonders.

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sounds like a bicept tendon, the best thing for that is rest ice and heat treatments. If that does not make it feel better get a cortazone shot.
What ever you do do not due that. Cotizone injections will cause the tendons to become weak. Deca can also cause the tendons to weaken. I would start to exercise the rotator cuff muscles slowly as you may have strenghtened your pecs and the muscle that are accompining the lift become weak. Due a google search on rotator cuffs.

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