Last seen: Dec 17, 2022
I just love when some of the women are doing leg curls and I'm doing extensions. The machines are right next to each other. I always find myself doing...
Jams right with the Deca & Eq issue. If you're prone to Gyno like I am and your running those type of compounds, you may want to consider some Mas...
This is a debate that hounds many of us.I would take my Slin right after my workout and time it perfectly with my breakfast when I got to work. i.e I'...
Depending on what you are doing 400mgs is fine.
More protein, less carbs, more fiber, more water, more cardio and throw in the animal pak as well as their ECA stack. You have to get the furnace burn...
I saw this episode of Brady Bunch one time where Bobby wanted to grow......
Just remember your Taurine
sir no sir..
S.P. is taken to keep the prostate healthy.
That's the problem with most of those places. I will always pay a little more for great service. Let us know what comes of it.
That's the problem with most of those places. I will always pay a little more for great service. Let us know what comes of it.
I had some serious R.C. problems early last year. Thought it was no big and started taking shit to mask it just to get through my workout. I knew I ne...
tadger just posted on this. From what I understood, it desensitizes and when you go off, the pain kicks in. Sort of like Cortizone does.I'm no way an ...
Ice , motrin and rest.
I always get their shit in the mail. Summers can get kiss my ass, that's all we need laying in the mail box.