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Need help with next cycle

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Stats-6' tall
age 41
wt 215
bf 18%
Bros, I need your input for a cycle I am trying to put together. On hand I have: suspension,cyp,deca,eq,prop,winny, papervar,paperbol,hgh. If you can help with these it sure would help.This will be my fourt cycle. I have all the anti-e's and pct's on hand also.Am i too old to be stacking any cycles with D-bol? Thanks

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I guess my first question is, what do you hope to accomplish in your cycle. Your %bf is high, so cutting is worth considering, but then again, at 6' and having only 175 lbs of LBM, you have a lot of room to grow. Personally, I would bulk, build a solid base and then cut at a later date.

At 41, it is okay to still stack AAS. I am 48 and I always stack in my cycles. I like single, long acting esters like ethanate or cypionate in my cycles. I would stack that with either the deca or EQ(I don't think it matters that much which) and jump start with the paperbol. At your size and as this is your fourth cycle, I would suggest something along the following lines.

Cyp 500 mg's / wk 10 weeks
Deca (or EQ) 400 mg's / wk, 10 weeks
Paperbol, 40 mg's / day, weeks 1-4

At our age, I find the PCT to be very important. So, I would suggest using HCG & Nolvadex for 3 weeks, beginning in week 12. I would also suggest running proviron throughout the cycle.

For now, I would not bother with the GH. You have a lot of room to grow and the cost/benefits of GH are probably out of line.

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Thanks Flex,
My goals are to bulk up and work on getting my bf that is mainly around my midsection down. Should I consider after getting off the bol, adding some anavar? My var is about 2yrs old and I better do some quick before it gets to old. Hey bro, I appreciate your help. Thanks

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Thanks Flex,
My goals are to bulk up and work on getting my bf that is mainly around my midsection down. Should I consider after getting off the bol, adding some anavar? My var is about 2yrs old and I better do some quick before it gets to old. Hey bro, I appreciate your help. Thanks

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Okay, if you are going to bulk, then bulk. Don't worry about the %bf or the bulge around your middle during your bulking cycle. In a cycle you really need to try to accomplish one thing, build mass, cut fat, build strength or prepare for a contest. If you want to bulk, then bulk and to hell with body fat. You can take care of that AFTER your bulking cycle.

As for the Var, you could use it during your bulking cycle, after the d-bol, but I wouldn't. I am going to assume that you will be doing a cutting cycle in the next six months or so. That being the assumption, I would save the var for the cutter.

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At your age (over 40) I would suggest running test at a minimum of 600 mgs per week. I would also consider a longer run of 16 weeks. With a taper at the end for another 4 weeks along with nolvadex at 20 mgs per day for 6 weeks. Also as I've said in the past add in tribulus extract at about 3 grams per day throughout the cycle, and keep it up for a least 4 weeks after PCT.

As far as the bulking goes you can make solid gains from just increasing your protein to about 2 grams per lb of bodyweight, and keeping the carbs under control ie about 200 grams post workout. Try and keep the fats to EFAs (flax oil), and you should do just fine.

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PS are you suggesting twenty weeks or tapering at the 12 week point? Either way, I still dont think it necessary to go that long....and I feel the 12 weeks is adeqaute, but not run cycles for longer than 15 at any age.

I understand your reason to taper, but I prefer to do that with a second compound like prop, after my last injection of (say for this example) Deca and Cyp while they are depleting from my system.

I feel flex's cycle will do 'Dog' well in this case and if you wished to use a fast acting compound after the last injection of cyp and deca - and upto PCT then you could.....
