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Obtaining Anabolic Steroids

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IM getting back into bodybuilding. Have been working out for 30 plus years, however have not been working on serious size since I was 24.

Back when I was in the game heavy you could go to a doctor and obtain steriods and the associated test. Is it possible to still get them legally, or are most doctors scared of the legal mess they may get into if you get sick.

It appears someone on the board got a script for an estrogen blocker from his doctor. Is it possible to get clomid? How do you approach your health care professional to obtain this drug?

Thanks for any help you might provide.


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see the article entitled "Your doctor, your dealer" at

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First off decide what drug(s) you want. Then figure out what those drugs are typically prescribed for. Then set about convinving your doctor that you suffer from those ailments. Unless of course your doctor is cool then you can just explain your situation to him. The practice of prescribing patients steroids without actual needs has dropped signifigantly as enforcement has increased.
