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thoughts on eq and wiinstrol stack?

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I am going to be taking Winstrol tabs and eq. is this a good combo i want to get strong, cut, and add some musclar size.

and how much should i be taking of these per week?

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stats? weight? number of cycles completed?

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I am 230 lbs, 5'11', I never really did a full i always went either 4 to 5 weeks on. My physic looks more like a powerlifter/linebacker. I played college football for a huge university

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I want to get cut, add some muscle and get stronger.

and tailgunner what does EOD mean?

thanks for your help.

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I am also about to start a winny/eq cycle. My first ever. I wanted to throw some fina in but I optioned out due to the good advice of the other members. I will get a few cycles under my belt before that. I am going to inject 100 mg eq eod and use the Dragon Pharma winny (tabs) 50 mg every day. Is there any thing that you could throw in with that cycle for a little more mass? Just generally speaking. Thanks fellas!

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200-300mg a week + Nolvadex/arimidex
