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valopharm winnie clogging needles?

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i have valopharm Winnie 100mg/ml. when i try to draw it out it clogs the needle. i'm using 21g needle. i tried drawing it with an 18g needle, then switched back to the 21g for inject. this worked a little better. has anyone else had this problem? any solutions? should i stay away from valopharm. i kind of wondered about the 100mg/ml. oh well live and learn.

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you could try waming the gear up a lil' and see what may not have to stay away from Valo pharm it may just be a bad mix or it's been sitting around for awhile this is why you may be able to cook it and see what happens!

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PS. it may have been a bad batch and you may want to stay away from those numbers if you want to try this Company again!
if the crystals don't disolve well this is what happens sometimes!

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were can I get Valopharm products? do they have a web site? Thanks

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you could try waming the gear up a lil' and see what may not have to stay away from Valo pharm it may just be a bad mix or it's been sitting around for awhile this is why you may be able to cook it and see what happens!

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you could try waming the gear up a lil' and see what may not have to stay away from Valo pharm it may just be a bad mix or it's been sitting around for awhile this is why you may be able to cook it and see what happens!

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try shaking it real good right before inject. then, if it clogs, pull back on the plunger a little and try again. some winny's do this more than others.

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its because the powder they used to make the winney wasent micronized.

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I thought WiniJet was for oral use only?

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Originally posted by abominable
were can I get Valopharm products? do they have a web site? Thanks
Okay, asking openly for a source like this is like begging someone to steal your money. Every scammer that reads your post will send you a list. Ignore them. They will rDragon Pharma you off. Reputable sources do not work like that. Of course it is your money, so if you want to waste it, go ahead.

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I had the same problem with deca america winny...........
Im drinking it.......

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100mg winny is tough because the granules are so big. It needs to be a very high quality powder to break down well. Spend the extra money and go with stanabol next time. It's well worth it.
