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Various questions

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Hey people, cool board, good info!
I have a few questions: Oh, I'm 21, 5'9, 160 lbs. 15%b/f
After a cycle, say sust/deca, will test. levels go back to normal, or will they be a bit lower. Like will I have the same sex drive that I had before, or it will mess it up a bit?

2nd Question-People usually work out to their potential then juice. I don't want to work out to my genetic potential for it will take me 2-3 yrs to be 185 (which I think is my potential). Also, I'm not trying to be a monster, just want to put on like 25lbs, then i'll keep 15. That is satisfying to me. Then whatever I gain after will come. So my question is: --is that alright, or safe to do? Also, Will my tendons be alright, and will I be able to gain any size after the cycle?

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Few things came to mind when I read your questions. First, cranking is no magical way to automatically add 25 lbs. Proper diet, hard ass training, and knowledge of your body must all be present. If you dont have this as a good solid foundation, you will waste your money on juice, and will not keep any gains. You are still very young and your natural test levels will still be very high, so if you ate like a monster, trained hard, and got enough sleep, you could easily put on 15 lbs naturally in under a year, and these gains would be a lot easier to keep. Cranking will take you to the next level, but you havent even come close to tapping into what your body can do for you naturally. Im sure several other bros will agree.

If you do go on a cycle anyways, you would need clomid and possibly HCG afterwards to bump your test levels back up. Me, my test levels take awhile to get back to normal, but my nuts will never be the size they were before I started juicing I dont think.


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thats some great advice from cutmothafucka..take it
you should really exhaust all natural gains before ever even thinking about some research before just diving into something that you are not ready for...dont make a mistake that you cant fix...think about it..train hard and eat right for a while and you will make very good hard natural gains in a relatively short period of time..
to use juice before getting all of your natural gains would be a waste of time and money...end of story
just my opinion (and everyone else's in the free world and in canada) LOL

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Bump for CutMF and Tdogg. Follow there advice.

On another note,
Cool name Funk Doc............

"Its the funk doctor spock smoking budda on a trian, how high? So high that I can kiss the sky......up, up to the sky!"-Red and Method man, How High.

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You guys are absolutely right! I was prepared for that. Its just I can't get a good diet down. I figure if I juiced I know I would commit myself to a good diet and a good routine. i feel without the juice I am helpless in the gym. Stupid right. Well I guess I'll be skinny for the rest of my life. I'm going to get some ginger root. So I can eat/drink more protein at one serving, so I don't have to eat all the time. I heard it helps the digestion of protein. I have basically free access to any supplement on the market.
Also, It is hard for me to work-out 4x a week due to work and school, I'm always tired.

Can, I still put on size if I eat 1.5 grams per pound of body weight and only work out like 3x a week?

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Originally posted by funkdocktaspock

Also, It is hard for me to work-out 4x a week due to work and school, I'm always tired.

IMO working out GIVES you energy. Sure you might feel tired on the way to the gym, but we all know once you get going you feel great and you have more energy when you leave than when you got there.
I know where you're coming from, I just graduated and until recently I was a full time college student and worked a full time job. Some days you don't feel like working out, but those are the days that you feel the best after you do.
