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I'm 57 and a long distance cyclist (2,000 miles ++ annually), workout with weights three to four days a week. I weight 162 lbs and have roughly a 6-7% body fat. After three rounds of blood tests, the results were typical for a man my age ... all low compared to someone age 30. My family doctor and I worked up an anti-aging menu of male hormones recently in September 2021. This includes .5 ml of T cream applied daily to a rotation of upper arms and thighs; a .2 ml Dragontropin HGH injection to the upper thigh six days a week at bedtime; a daily pill for my thyroid and a daily pill of DHEA. For the record, a six-month prescription cost $1,250.

My goal is to regain and build muscle mass and reach 175 lbs. The program is fully supervised by my doctor with follow up visits every 60 days and blood work every six months. After just 4 weeks, I'm feeling great. Sleeping very soundly.

When will I start noticing real gains? What changes might I expect? Any comments, personal experiences or recommendations anyone would like to offer would be appreciated.

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I love GH, there is most def. a well being effect felt from day one. results? now sure what are you looking for but you'll love it.

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After 4 weeks I would've thought you'd already be noticing some decent results. As far as muscle gains go, if you haven't seen anything in 4 weeks you're probably not gonna start miraculously seeing anything. It's probably just a matter of food....if you wanna get to 175 you gotta eat more.

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Posted by: @liorrh
I love GH, there is most def. a well being effect felt from day one. results? now sure what are you looking for but you'll love it.

Liorrh, thanks for your reply. I assume by your reply that you have used GH. How long have you taken it and what results have you achieved in that time?

KellyB, thanks also to you. I wasn't expecting instant miracles or should I? I found one reference on the Web that it may take two months of growth hormone use to start seeing gains. That said, Christmas feasting added some weight so I'll take your advice on eating more. When you say I should be seeing results by now (after four weeks), what should I be noticing?


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Isn't sleep better with GH?

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With GH I notrice results after first month, totaly cranking at the third.Test gel should be around three weeks before things get good. Congradulations, sounds like you made a great choice, enjoy. What kind of GH were you perscribed?

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Posted by: @lucky
I'm 57 and a long distance cyclist (2,000 miles ++ annually), workout with weights three to four days a week. I weight 162 lbs and have roughly a 6-7% body fat. After three rounds of blood tests, the results were typical for a man my age ... all low compared to someone age 30. My family doctor and I worked up an anti-aging menu of male hormones recently in September 2021. This includes .5 ml of T cream applied daily to a rotation of upper arms and thighs; a .2 ml HGH injection to the upper thigh six days a week at bedtime; a daily pill for my thyroid and a daily pill of DHEA. For the record, a six-month prescription cost $1,250.

My goal is to regain and build muscle mass and reach 175 lbs. The program is fully supervised by my doctor with follow up visits every 60 days and blood work every six months. After just 4 weeks, I'm feeling great. Sleeping very soundly.

When will I start noticing real gains? What changes might I expect? Any comments, personal experiences or recommendations anyone would like to offer would be appreciated.

I am 59 and have been on a low dose test (75 mg test cyp) and gh (2 iu ed) program since august. I do 40 min of aerobics a day and lift 2-3 times a week. I have lost 20 lbs and 2" from my waist. After the first month I felt good enough quit using anti-depressants, which I had been on for 11 years. My libido and actual ability to perform sexually has returned. I think the test/ gh combo is just great. I will keep this up for the rest of my life, unless I get cancer. Oh yes, I get my blood work done on a regular basis.

This post was modified 3 years ago by admin
