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Where to get IGF-1 LR3?

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I would like some insight as to where I can get scammed.I want to mail money to anyone and not get anything back.

Also any info on if I do send you my addy do you promise not to come to my house and touch my bad place?

musclhed any questions you might have in the future like this, just PM a Mod.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 25

I would like some insight as to where I can get LR3 IGF-1 at reasonable price from a reputable source...?

Also any info on GHRP-6, PEG MGF, and Hexarelin would be much appreciated...

bro that is a shit load of questions and answers there.. use the search button on here and then use google - if you are then unsure of anything feel free to post away - come on you have to do some homework yourself......

as for asking for a source on an open forum you are asking for trouble IMO - I would ignore all pm's and emails you get because some one will take this opportunity to scam you

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Jam you are too nice.

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ag-guys supply some of those i think

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 30

one more thing, some of those are pretty advanced drugs and theres alot more too them than sticking a needle in yourself, lift, eat and then get results, i mean we are talking about regulating your carbohydrates among other shit, and one more thing bro, you dont have very many posts and ur askin alot of questions and askin for sources too. Im not downin u for doing so b/c i did the same thing but i learned real fast that you need to be around a little while and do as much research as possible yourself before you use any drugs. I mean, if you ask 10 different people about deca you will 10 different answers and a few of those answer might even be wrong. The point is that you should really get the facts down about the junk yourself and then after that we will help you fill in the blanks. Dont think im being a prick either b/c im not bro, were all here to help each other.
