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whats up people...I had a question...and I didnt want to sound like a retard...but I will be the first to admit my ignorance...I have some Siponate and some ohmagen...just wanted to know exactly what the siponate does...I cant find any info on it ...and If I have done my homework correctly the ohmagen should be a test kind of like sustanon...any help would be greatly appreciated...thank you. :cardio:

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Test Cypionate is a long-acting ester,kinda like enanthate.
I don't know what you mean by OHMAGEN,
but if you mean OMNADREN then it's formula is identical to Sustanon.

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Much thanks for the info...

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Yes, tell us what your goals are. What does your cycle look like, how many mg, how long.
Also what are your stats?

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Hey pal.....dont think you sound like a retard for not knowing the answer to something......thats what we are all here learn and ask questions.
You NEVER sound like a retard if you're askin a question! Shit, you should see some of the stupid shit i've asked.

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Well I am 5ft 10 about 200 lbs and about 15-18%% bf...I have no problem cutting up to about 7 % when I want but the problem is I feel like I am sacrificing alot of muscle mass for that lean look of "bringing in the abs" I have some juice about 10 cc's of cypoiniate and 2 cc's of Ohmadren...I know its not a big cycle and I do have 2 cycles under my belt...but I am a college student and budget does matter...should I hold off til I can get more or would it be ok to do these and if so what schedule would u recommend...I am not looking to compete just get to say a hard 180 - 185 instead of a hard 170 - 175...I did have an injury the last cycle I did and this is the first one I have done since I have to say the least I am a little more than nervous about doing it again...btw I had and ACL reconstruction...I want to know what you guys think of deca...of what i have read it is a pretty good overall steroid...but like I said..I ask because I do not know...thanks in advance...

I am havent done a cycle in almost 4 years...I am 29 my bench is a weak 240 max
my squat is a weak 275 max...which I contribute alot to the reconstuction surgury... and my dead lift is 300... ok there ya go...fill me with your knowledge...thanks people:beerc

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My advice to you bro is stay consistent, eat well, get plenty of rest, and train hard. I personally would hold off on the gear until I could get more gear, but I know it is hard to be patient.

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i agree with everybody here...hold off on the gear and do as much research as you can. wait until you know exactly what you want to do, how much, etc. you need to have your Nolvadex, clomid, HCG as well. even if you have to wait 4 more months, the knowledge you will learn from this forum will help you like no other. just be patient and learn. :cardio:
