Popping THE Questio...
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Popping THE Question

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How did you ask your spouse to marry you? I am sure that there are some funny, interesting, and touching stories out there and I for one, would be curious to know the answer.

The reason that I am asking is that I am going to ask my gal to marry me this weekend. I want to make this special for us and any tips garnered from your experience(s) will be appreciated. Besides, I will need the funny ones if she says no.

Wish me luck and thanks bro's.

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Cant help you....as i've never proposed.....

but best of luck to ya bro....congrats...


Chest Rockwell
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Never been there either brother, but I hope it all works out. Just ask her and if she says no then tell her you were just joking anyway.

See, that's why guys like YYZ and myself are replying...cause the married guys are on lockdown now. 🙂

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ummmm FlexinNC hon.....I'm a little confused....but very happy for you.......Good luck..........just make it a special night for the two of you......depends on what you both like.....could be sittinng on the couch watching a video over a bowl of popcorn.......or candles glowing w/ chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne......
or during a romp in the snow....while you have her pinned down......or during a walk on the beach........just make it special for the two of you



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Ok, with the first wife we were walking at night through the snow and came across a snowman in the middle of a quiet park. He had a little black box in his snow arms that had a wedding ring in it.

Second wife, we were at the restaurant where we first met. I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat so the waiter asked me, "well if you could have anything in the entire world what would it be?" I said, "If I could really have ANYTHING in the entire world," I turned to my girlfriend, took her hand, kneeled and said, "I would want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

She was great. That was a fun year.

The third time I was in Paris. After a wonderful evening I stood looking out over the Seine river near the Eiffel Tower, acting distracted. She asked if everything was all right. I said no, that I really wanted to be here with my wife. She gasped and I quickly asked her if she would make that possible, as I slipped a ring on her finger.

The last time I proposed, the girl and I were skiing down a hill in Aspen Colorado when we came across this women who had crashed into a tree. She was pretty messed up and knocked out cold. I rolled her over, slipped her glove off, took her wedding ring off, gave it to my girlfriend and said, "There! We're married. Now will you stop bitching at me?"

Chest Rockwell
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T-Bar...if you came up with those first 3 proposal ideas yourself you are the mack daddy romantic pimp. Those are proposals you'd see in some chick flick. I bet they ate it up. I'd probably just hide it in the mashed potatoes...haha. Maybe that's why you have 4 wives to my 0...but maybe that's not a good thing. And if you're so damn smooth, what happened with the first 3 tries?

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damn Tbar.....

Flex, best of luck to you. irregardless of how you do it, it'll be very special. just try to add a little something out of the ordinary to the proposal.

mine, was kinda odd. the very first time I was ever with my wife, a bunch of people were down on some docks by the lake, partying, having a great time. under the guise of "going fishing" I drug her around with me on what would be our engagement day, about 3 years later. we wound up not being able to get to the docks (gates were locked and she didnt want to trespass), so we went to another set of docks we had hung out at before and where a friend keeps his boat (our first real date was going out on his boat). she plops down on the dock to get a little sun and read a book. next thing you know, there's a custom jewelers card dangling in front of her from my fishing pole. she takes the card, looks at it, then turns it over. the back said "Coupon: good for one custom engagement ring of your design". when she turned to me, I was on bended knee with her diamond in a simple and temporary setting. the request was made, her tears were shed, and we were engaged. an odd way to ask someone to marry you, but very specific to our relationship, so she loves to tell the story, because of the thought that went into it.

best of luck bro! you'll do fine!

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Man Tailgunner that was way better than my first three. Mainly because I made them up. lol. Only been married once. That was enough.

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LMAO @ T-Bar!!
Those were pretty good though.

I see that not only do your pick up lines work but also your proposal lines. lol Slick way of proposing, I guess you were keeping and eye on here the whole time to make sure you would catch her after she read the card. Good one bro.

Good luck buddy.
I know youll make it the best possible moment.
Your a good guy and is this is the same woman you made the mamosas for on New Years then let me be the first to congratulate you too on your engagement. Best wishes.

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Best of luck with you Flexin. Hope everything works out the way you hope the way that you expect

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And best of luck!:D

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Flex...wish i could help you out....good luck!

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Hey bro! Well congradulations on your new venture with your soon to be fiancee. I tell what I did, a nice dinner, a nice evening ending with a walk on the beach and than popped the question with the ring. She was sooo happy and surprised. But if you don't live by a beach than nevermind. Just do something creative and from your heart....thats something she will love and appreciate the most. Good luck bro and I wish you all the best ! BK3

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Flexxin, Take her out for dinner and just make sure the waitress is standing at your table when you ask your girl. If your girl says no, then say, "oh , I wasn't talking to you."

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I personally was not even proposed to just sort of got married than got out of it! But I always wished for a spectacular proposal, and maybe someday Ill get one. My opinion and it could be just me but women like public displys, we want everyone to know what you got us, etc. That scoreboard thing on TV is always classic but Im sure its not very plausible. Even kneeling down at a restaraunt or at her families home would be signifigant. Something creative will work..we just want our special moment to be special..created just for us. If I had one wish to have the proposal of my dreams it would be Valentines day, I would want it to be a suprise, have the waiter come out and say there is something important we need to know and infront of everyone with all eyes on us he would get down on one knee and tell me so many wonderful things before he proposed and everyone would clap...that would be so romantic but its only in my dreams.

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