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Fat burners

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i know its probably been done to death, and nothing is a better fat burner than cardio and diet. but im pretty sure most people still use some type of fat burner. im curious to see what people are using and which seems to work the best. some over the counter stuff. ive alwasy been skinny and now im starting to gain some weight thanks to a couple of cycles and food. since i loose about 5times faster than i gain, i pretty much eat everything i can, now that im 25yrs old, its starting to show. i gained muscle and weight, but now im looking to define my body a bit, and not just look bigger than i was.

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ECA stack works best

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it seems its been discontinued......????

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find a good source for ephedrine... then all u need is caffine and asprin

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other than that hydroxycut hardcore has been getting good reviews and thats a plus seeing how its a muscletech product

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hydroxycut hardcore sucked for me big time. Get on an ECA stack for sure you can get the ephedrine online and the caffine and asprin you can get at the local walgreens

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Check out JetFuel by German American Technologies. It has one of the best stimulant profiles I have seen.

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ahh i forgot bout that one jetfuel is a good one to if u dont wanna use the ECA stack

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so u need Caffeine in a fat burner??? i dont like to be all hopped up on caffeine or sugar.
why do u need to use caffeine and aspirin with ephedra?? wont it work by itself?

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caffine is in almost all fat burners now days it is used for energy

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caffine is in almost all fat burners now days it is used for energy...Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors which lessens feelings of tiredness, and also increases dopamine levels, resulting in greater concentration, focus, and memory.. caffeine also inhibits the production of phosphodiesterase inside the cell and therefore slows cAMP breakdown. It also binds with and competitively inhibits adenosine receptors in the brain, triggering the release of epinephrine and increasing cAMP levels further .Aspirin inhibits prostaglandin production outside of the cells, which, in conjunction with caffeine, greatly prolongs the thermogenic effects and increased metabolism by substaining elevated cAMP levels. all in all caffine plays a very important role in fat burners.. and this is why asprin and caffine are used in the ECA stack

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wow..thanks. so how long can someone be on this stack and where can i get the proper dosages?

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u wanna start out at 25mg of Ephedrine 200mg of caffine and 325mg of asprin no more than that in a single doseage... or u can do the ECA stack and consume two or three times per day in a 1:10:10 or 1:10:15 ratio of ephedrine:caffeine:aspirin

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You can get your ephedrine through a product known as Bronkaid, it contains 25mg of ephedrine per tablet. It's used to treat asthma, but will do you no harm to take it.

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All the asthma med. I've seen have ephidrine HCI vs. the real stuff.

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