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Fat Burning Protein Drink

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YUMMMMMMM! Just finished a cold glass of Rootbeer flavored Muscle Milk. Damn that shit is good! Hard to believe the crap we had to drink growing up. You young guys are so damn lucky. We used to have to plug our noses while we drank, and there was still a one in three chance we'd puke.

Sure wish we had a connection for this stuff. I'd buy it by the case load.


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I was just about to order some to give it a shot until I saw the fat content. 18 grams of fat (8 of them saturated) is a lot for a fat burning protein drink isn't it?

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Yeah that scared me at first too, but the company assures me that this is not the fat you think of when you pick up other products. He swears these are "Lean Lipids" that are special fats that are easily mobilized into energy and not stored.

I've used it in the past with good results.

I'll be pissed if I gain fat.

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I was told that the muscle milk sat was ok to drink, but I dont like sat fat in my diet only alow for 10 grams a day max. But man does that stuff taist good. I like this stuff I just got off bodybuilding.com cant rmemeber the name but it was cheap and taist good too, taists like optimum nutritions stuff but 5 bucks cheaper.

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Muscle Milk is the shiznit. All flavors.:cents

Has anyone tried "nectar" brand protein?
How is it.

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Unsaturated fats can be stored as fats too. Excess of anything can be stored. An unsaturated fat is still a lipid. It can still be stored. It doesn't just leave your body or get utilized. It is easier to burn in comparison to a saturated fat because it has less bonds to hydrogens because of the kinks or double covalent bonds.

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Muscle milk is no good from my expierience. Yes the stuff does tast good though. I bought three canisters of the stuff once wich lasted me about a month. I'm fairly certain I smoothed out more than I ever have. I'll stick with whey isolate products or slow digesting shakes that have very little fat. You people can always combo your protein with your choice of fat. Flax oil or other EFA.

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As an older athlete, I avoid large amount of fat unless it is EFA. I put on fat drinking muscle milk. For you younger guys with fast Metabolic rates, consume all you want.

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I like muscle milk, but it most assuredly a gaining product. It is not a cutting product.

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I usually use one scoop instead of two, but I'm working my ass off so much that I'm thinking of switching to something else just to play it safe.

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I love the vanilla flavor of MM. I just bought the rootbeer float today to see if I like the taste. I only drink one a day because of the fat,instead of the recommended 3 a day (I think) but have leaned out in the past when on this shake. Diet and cardio is always the factor.
