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Gas and Supps

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This is a real post, and an awkward one. Does anyone have horrible gas as a result of protein supps?

Currently using a small amount of gear (1 amp of Sust a week).
2 Nlarge2 shakes daily - one in morning, one in afternoon.
Amino Acids 3 times a day
VIT C 5 times a day

Lots of milk with diet, but have never been lactose intolerant. I drink the most milk with dinner, and it's after dinner that I'm able to flatulently recite any tune. Gas X or any simethicone only wastes 6 bucks for me.

It gets to the point that I can feel the worst storm brewing in the bowels, and almost don't trust the fart about to be 86'd from my intestines.

My 4 year old sprays my ass with Axe body spray in the evenings!

Any suggestions to mitigate the damages or even resolve this aromatic dilemma would be appreciated!

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Whey protein will cause gas. Some brands more than others;) It happens to me alot especially in the morning. I usually consume a protein supplement beore bed and set my alarm to wake up in the night to consume another. It's just the nature of the beast.

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Try some Gas-X. I'm not being silly, the stuff really works. I had the worst gas ever when I took EQ and Fina. Never taken Nlarge so can't advise on it. Check to see if it has egg protein in the mix.

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you might try mixing your powder with skim milk or no fat milk or water, I get little gas from it, but if I use whole milk or 2% I get bad gas and my wife makes me sleep in the guest bedroom, sucks so i try to keep down the gas :). I think also the better the poweder is (isolats) the better it will digest with out gas. I use optimum and this new stuff i found is just as good, its called. ultamite nutrition. I like it better than optimum for tast and also if you mix some flax seed oil in your shakes that will also cut down on gas it will make you digest a little slower. You dont want to be called Fart boy in the gym..... Trust me πŸ™‚

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Man that is some funny shit...Not to take your problem lightly but you had me laughin for damn near 5 minutes. On a serious note try taking your protein with water that should help limit the gas you might also think about changing Your protein to a a low-lactose or lactose-free whey protein powder. i'm not sure what company you use but remember when it comes to protein think about buying quality over quantity.

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lotsa protien makes you fart. Some more prone than others, but as Uzi said, thats the nature of the beast. Roll with it man, go to your local grocery and do some crop dusting down the isles!!! It also helps if you don't embarrass easy, like myself.....

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the better the suppliments are, the less gas you will have. I used to buy the cheapest shit I could find- the result was alot of gas and NOT utilizing the protien.
I reciently switched to "True Protien", the BEST protien I've ever used. I get NO GAS! no matter if I mix with milk or not.
Also, it's reasonable, $6.99 per lb.
I think the web page is their name it's some Canadian company.

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You will come to love your "protien farts" Their fun in any store or at work. And dont forget to give your girl a dutch oven! πŸ™‚

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You will come to love your "protien farts" Their fun in any store or at work. And dont forget to give your girl a dutch oven! πŸ™‚

My son still laughs about the time we were in the store and I let one loose. A girl and her boyfriend walked down the isle and hit the area. She started looking around and in total seriousness she said, "Mmmmm wow something smells really good." I laughed and said, "Why thank you. I made it myself." She instantly looked like she was going to vomit, and her boyfriend was pissed! But didn't say a word to me. LOL
My son was in tears.

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That’s nothing t-bar, my wife and I were at blockbusters renting a movie. I let one go I could not hold it any longer. It smelled like a cat shit. Everyone in the line moved away from us, me sitting there uncontrollably laughing my ass off. I guess they new it was me. Only 3 guys stayed in the line, so we got out of there faster. Now thats some funny shit!

Chest Rockwell
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My 4 year old sprays my ass with Axe body spray in the evenings!

I'd like to see that as Axe's new advertising campaign. lol In some states that would definitely fall under child abuse.

Too Small
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This subject came up on another board. There was a guy asking if too much protein casued bad gas. Here's is a reply he got:

"The problem is not excess protein per say but the fact that your body is not digesting the protein properly. When your body digests protein chemicals are formed like ammonia etc that need to be neutralized by healthy bacteria. You can supplement with probiotics like acidopholis and bifidos, that will restore the healthy balance in your gut. You can also get these healthy bacteria from foods like yogurt. Another great supplement is digestive enzymes, like papaya. Pineapple is also loaded with digested enzymes. Supplement with probiotics and digestive enzymes and the gas will subside and you will also utilize your protein much more efficiently. Peace."

So, try to get some Acidophulis. Just make sure it's in the refridgerated section at the health food store. It's MUCH better that way.

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I've been wavering back and forth about buying some adidophilus, but wasn't real sure about whether it may help with my musical disorder. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!!
