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muscletech good product

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I know most people hate the muscletech company but.. I was given a full container of Anatorp70 and it's a pretty good supplement. It didn't change my dna i'm sure but by the third week i had better pumps, strength, and endurance. Taste is not that great but you get used to it.
In one months use i've gained three pounds (I know thats not much but i've been stuck for a while so i was happy) Anyway anator was the only supplement i used last month besides a multi and my diet was the same as well. So i'm using it for another month to see how the second time around goes.

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I'll have to see what is in the product. Perhaps one of us could post the label or something. It is good that you are actually trying to find out what is giving you your gains. It could be the product, it could be something new into your regiment, or anything. It seems that you are trying to actually use your brain and single things out one at a time. Kudos. I'll look into the product. Keep us posted.

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I had tried muscletechs Gakic and I actually did like it minus the taste of the powder which was absolutely horrible if not mixed with gatorade. I felt a great pump in the weightroom and lifts did go up. They do have the gakic leukic creakic cycle but I havent found too many reviews on it.

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I had tried muscletechs Gakic and I actually did like it minus the taste of the powder which was absolutely horrible if not mixed with gatorade. I felt a great pump in the weightroom and lifts did go up. They do have the gakic leukic creakic cycle but I havent found too many reviews on it.

I was told that you could get the exact same benefits from regalar baking soda as the overly hyped Gakic. This came to me from a bio-chemist that has worked for some of the leading name companies out there. It made me think twice about spending all that $$$. This is the same person that told me to just add ALA to Optimum Pre-Load to get the same chemical compound as Cell-Tech at more than half the cost.

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I used to live off there protien products, bars, MRP's, nitro tech. I always thougt they had the best taste. I also used there prohormone products years ago with good results. If you buy direct you get better prices and now with all the internet stores you really can get there stuff at decent prices.

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I spent the first 20 yrs of my training thinking suppliments like these actually help.
Now I convinced that most ofthese companies are just putting some bullshit together with slick marketing and making zillions!!
The guy who invented the "power bar" live by me. I see driving a Fararri AND a Langborghini!
Now I just take protien & BCAA. I think that's all a bodybuilder needs.
...and the gear! The rest is bullshit!

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I have two weeks left on my second container of the anator. My diet has stayed the same this month except for a little more fat(olive oil). The biggest thing i'm noticing is strength. My weight has not changed but i'm getting progressively stronger. The "pump" effect is seeming to were off but i could be getting used to it. i'll finish up this month give an update but will most likely stop useing the product for a month or so before picking it up again.

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I had tried muscletechs Gakic

Have you tried SR's "gay-kick" ZG? Well don't, it's a scam.


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Finished with the second container of anator. Overall i think it is a pretty solid product for strength and pumps... at least thats what it helped me with. But after 2months use i think you start to get accustomed to it or the body adapts to it because the effects are less noticeable. Total wieght gained in the 2 months was about 6 pounds.
