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What Are The Best Testosterone Boosters , Tribulus, Creatine Out There???

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Looking To See Where To Get The Best O Fthose Three Supplements.

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Looking To See Where To Get The Best O Fthose Three Supplements.

I like iss brand products myself. At 22 why a test booster?

Too Small
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I like iss brand products myself. At 22 why a test booster?

I'm wondering the same thing. At 22, your Test level should be at it's highest. Taking a Test supp would be pointless and a waist of money. After 25, your natural Test level will begin to drop, then that's when taking a Test supp would be worth buying.

Steel Reserves
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Optimum Nutrition is the shizznet; a test booster you wouldn't need but I see nothing wrong with running creatine:)


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IMO, nothing wrong with a 22-year-old using BOTH supps...the test booster will merely elevate levels for several hours...I see no harm there.

Test Booster: Tribex Tribulus
Creatine: BSN NoExplode

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Thanks Yall Appreciate The Help

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No they won't. A test boost at his age would do absolutley NOTHING. You couldnt get his test levels any higher that they allready are without using gear. And 25 is not the golden age when they start to drop niether. My test levels reached thier highest when i was almost 29, without using gear or supplements. Everybodies body is different, so it's pretty much here-say when you use age anywhere in the 20's as a rule of thumb.

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You should put more concentration on your other natural occuring hormones like insulin, igf-1, and hgh. You should control your insulin spikes so that they are timed with your workouts. You should be dieting properly, getting enough water, and proper sleep. Those will help with the others.

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You should put more concentration on your other natural occuring hormones like insulin, igf-1, and hgh. You should control your insulin spikes so that they are timed with your workouts. You should be dieting properly, getting enough water, and proper sleep. Those will help with the others.

hey Bio could you educate a bother on that topic. i know it might be in the wrong forum but i am curious as to what you have to say about timing you insulin levels so they spiike at the right time.

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Not a problem dude. Here you go: http://www.AZonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309735#pos t309735

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Once again I think you're wasting your time and energy. I'll quote what I wrote to you before. By the way, it's a good idea to read the posts after you make them so you can see what people are telling you instead of asking the same question over and over again.

"Ok Rochustel, I've been reading your posts for quite a while now. They all seem to be focused on the same thing. You seem to be searching for the magic pill. You aren't going to find it. Some protein powders are a little better then others. Some creatines are a little better then others. Some vitamins are a little better then others. But none of those differences matter very much. What matters is your basics.

1. Diet
2. Training
3. Sleep
4. Consistency of all the above.

Stop worrying about the 1%."

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I Got The Diet Down.
Sleep Check
Plenty Of Water.
Train 45minutes For One Bodypart An Hour For Two.
I'm Just Looking To Get The Right Supplemnts To Add. And Looking For Opinions.
Right Now I Take Bsn Proteinpowder,creatine, I Take Bcaas,glutamine,mutlivitamins,fattyoils,flaxoil,
I Just Wanted To See If Anyonme Have Some Good Suggestions.
About Supplemnts They May Have Taken Or Heard Good Things About.
A Magazone Can Tell You A Bunch Of Things But It Doesn't Mean Jack Until Youtake It And See For Yourself. And I'm Not Trying To Try Everysupplement Out There.
