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Is It Ok To Train Trceps The Day After Chest???

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My Routine Was This
Day1 Back & Forarms
Day2 Delts & Calves & Abs
Day4chest & Forearms
Day5 Arms & Calves & Abs

I Did My Chest The Next Day When I Tried To Do My Tricpes They Were Sore As Hell.

Does Anyone Have Some Sample Workout Schedules
I Gotta Switch It Up Not Sure Where To Start Gotta Make Sure Everything Has Enough Time To Repair

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Depends on how your tri's feel the next day. Each person is different.

I train my tri's the day after chest

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That's one of the strangest workouts I've ever seen. I'm not saying it wouldn't work for you. It's just a combo I'd never think of trying for myself.

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Loking For More Routines....

Mine Used To Be

Chest & Biceps
Back & Rear Delts
Delts & Triceps

But The Guy That Made My Meal Plan Had Me Start The Other Routine But He Didn't Tell Me When To Fit In My Smaller Bodyparts So I Had To Figure Out Where To Fit Them In

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My Routine Was This
Day1 Back & Forarms
Day2 Delts & Calves & Abs
Day4chest & Forearms
Day5 Arms & Calves & Abs

I Did My Chest The Next Day When I Tried To Do My Tricpes They Were Sore As Hell.

Does Anyone Have Some Sample Workout Schedules
I Gotta Switch It Up Not Sure Where To Start Gotta Make Sure Everything Has Enough Time To Repair
This is a strange workout bro if you ask me,None the less the answer to your question is that I usually will work Chest then do Tri's two to three days later so I heal up and feel good and have a effective tri workout that week as well
why do you do legs on day 3 when on day 2 you did your calves?????,why not do a total leg workout on day 3 instead????Also I see forearms,but nothing about bicep days???Abs I would just throw into the mix.

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Muscle stimulation is muscle stimulation. Training regiments are such a black hole right now. There are so many theories right now. Many people really put more of their emphasis on how they should train their muscles. They completely forget about how to feed and fuel their muscles. They completely forget about their macromolecules. What are macromolecules? Protein, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids. I cannot remember which university did the study, but I think it was Harvard. The study was to blast the total body everyday. The groups were made sure that they had proper nutrition. They studies concluded that they actually increased size, strength, and endurance. The people were fucking tired all the time and exhausted, but they had gains. I think that the study was over 12-16 weeks. The key was muscle stimulation. Now, this may not apply to long term, but the point is simple: muscle stimulation is muscle stimulation.

You should worry about proper dieting to feed your body. Create a routine that you enjoy and that primarily works all of your muscle groups. You cannot workout a single muscle or a single group at a time. You work out groups of muscles and more than one muscle group in anything.

There is such a black box of how to exactly train your muscles or exactly what it (This is as far as stimulation, not what macromolecules it needs. We do know this well.) needs. What works in training for someone, may not work for them all. Once you have seen one muscle grow, you have not seen them all. Why we are sore days after a workout is still a huge theory. Do not confuse this with immediate soreness. That is proven to be lactic acid.

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do my biceps on arm day but like i said trying to swict it up i don't like the routine the trainer has me on. i figured i'd listen to him since he and his brother competed in the npc and looked great in there hay day.
but looking for more routines

full body routines
from the chest to the calves i don't neglect bodyparts like some do.
i wanna fit in calves & forearms atleast twice a week
looking for suggestions for a good routine bu that allows ample time for each bodypart to heal and to allow each bodypart to be worked hard without being sore from other bodyparts.

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I personally do not believe in total body workouts. A theory that I believe of why we are sore afterwards is because the muscle has been damaged. Your body needs to repair the muscle. The bones are also sore. Your muscles are connected to bones. They pull on the bones to contract. The soreness could be related to the tension of the bones and the damage of the muscles. I personally try to have around 2-3 days of rest for muscle groups as a primary target. You cannot avoid secondary muscles to get involved. What I mean by this is you blast biceps. When you work your biceps, you work your triceps, shoulders, delts, and others as secondaries. You are not directly hitting the other muscles. Your taget is biceps, and they are the primary. You should, in theory, let the muscle group rest to repair itself. I try to avoid working the bicep as a secondary and definitely a primary for a few days.

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Thaks For The Help I Wrote It Wrong When I Said Full Body I Mean

Day 1 Chest
Daytwo Legs
Day 4 Arms
Something Like That I Wanna Make Sure I Get All My Bodyparts Done In A Week Try To Hit Calves , Forearms Twice A Week

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Do not forget about your abs and lower back. You could work your forearms on your chest day and your arm day. Is your workout routine day 1-4 and rest for 3 days for the rest of the week or is it day 1-4 repeat?

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Right Now Its 5 Days Straight Then Two Days Off Thats Why I'm Trying To Switch It Up.

It Doesn't Matter To Me How The Bodyparts Are Put Together I'm Looking For A New Workout Schedule And To Hit Calves,forearms Twice A Week Also When Should I Fit In Lower Back & Abs

Thanks For The Help And Info
Appreciate It

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you would get better results from training your tri's at night when your atp's and stores have returned. the next day seems to me to be ok as well, but it would crush a day for another work out, but thats just me you could do it like that and switch it up later on its good to make up new work outs any how, so i say if you feel its working go for it, if you try it and you find your tri's sore from heavy bench do them the night of cheast instead and try that. its called a split workout. works very well. some times i will do cheast incline shoulders flys of all types then go to tri bench for 6 sets. then come back at night and do full tri work out super setting with light tri bench and all the other tri exersizes. some times though i do shoulders and tri's at night, all depends on how i feel durning the day or night. Some times I just go to bed 🙂

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I want to clarify Anadrol_King's post. ATP is not stored. It is made on a demand only basis. The stores I think he was refering to is creatine and creatine phosphate stores. The CP is used to turn ADP into ATP.

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yeah what he said! that way you have your strength back at night so you can pound it hard.

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look just keep it simple guy there are 3 major work outs that hit the overall body squats bench and dead lifts screw the fancy shit here .from my years of traing and if u were to ask a pro he would agree that u dont ever hit tries and chest at the same time or the next day its only common sence.u should give those tries at least 2 day before hitting chest .i hit my arm bies and tries together they are small groups and u can hit them hard and git one hell of a pump 30 mins super set them heres my schedule 1 bies and tries 2shoulders and traps 3 rest 4legs 5back day 6rest day 7 rest add carido in 5 days a week u choose abs can be hit every day and those calfs to eat right and add supps if u r having trouble recovering creatine is good and whey just find a old school like arnold and the guys in the old days and use that to get and idea u can intell in ur work out .and u will start seing good muscle growth .u can e mail me with any questions hope this helps answer your questions good luck .big iron

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