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Training for strength doesn't build musclemass.

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I beg to differ...

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Is that you in the pics growing?

Very impressive. Add this one to the mountain of evidence against the blood pumpers.

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I don't get it. How do we know those folks train for strength?

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wow, thats something special right there

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Quote: Originally Posted by tubby teddy I don't get it. How do we know those folks train for strength? My guess is the person on the left is the same as the person on the right. And he trains for strength because he's wearing a bench shirt which indicates he's likely a competetive powerlifter.

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its amazing the level of thickness that all one time power lifters have once they diet down. Great thickness in the quads in this case.

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three letters : B . F . Q. = big fucking quads

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No that is not me. But it IS the same person in both pictures. A powerlifter named Béla Kathi. One of his accomplishments as a powerlifter is winning the European Benchpress Championships (IPF) in 2005. Google him and you will find more about him. Sorry, didn't mean to start a new "Powerlifter diets down"-thread. But I get really inspired by pictures like these and thought I would share, for all of you in here training for mass by increasing strength first. This is my first posts here. I will soon post some questions about my training and diet, because I feel I have found a great bunch of guys here with lots of experience, both powerlifters and DC'ers.
More Béla Kathi:

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Quote: Originally Posted by growing I beg to differ... Damn looks the legs on him!!

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I think size/mass comes from simply eating the right kinds and the right AMOUNTS of food. if you have two guys, one trains volume and pumping, the other trains for strength, and they both have shit diets, they will both look shitty simple as that no matter how they train. now put the two on good diets and i think genetics being equal, you got a big thick guy and a slightly muscled beanpole. i'll let you decide which is which.

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check this guy here

enjoy it

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How come those guys that always say "you need to do alot of different exercises or you wont get full development of the different facets of the muscle" never comment on these threads? LOLOL

Anyone see that powerlifter missing gobs of muscle mass in places because he "was a powerlifter doing limited powerlifting exercises" before he dieted down?

Did Johnny Jackson before he came over to bodybuilding have to think "oh man im missing muscle mass all over the place because I was a powerlifter...its going to take me 3-4 years of bodybuilding training to catch all these flat, no muscle mass spaces i have all over my body up with all these severely hypertrophied bodyparts" (ridiculous)

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those quads are insane.... must have been all the extensions with the toes pointed inward and outward to make sure the tear drop and outer sweep were being equally hit...

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Exactly..."oh I've gotta change angles and hit my bi's and chest from various positions...lest my arms and chest become underdeveloped"

Simple nonsense...once nailed it...

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Quote: Originally Posted by Ironraider Dante...

Exactly..."oh I've gotta change angles and hit my bi's and chest from various positions...lest my arms and chest become underdeveloped"

Simple nonsense...once nailed it... ya, "you" have to keep your body off gaurd and shock it into growth

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