A T3/clen question ...
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A T3/clen question for my sister

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Steel Reserves
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My sister's best friend is getting married in may and my sister wants to lose some weight before hand...well she wants to lose weight anyway lol. I'm going to be helping her with her diet, and hooking her up with clen. I was just thinking of adding in some t3 as well, but I'm not too familiar with it and the proper way to run it for a woman. What are effective doses for a female? Should it be run in a 2week on/off fashion like clen? And what's an average price for a cycle? She's about 5'4 and looking to lose about 40lbs. Thanks in advance for any help.


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first of all if she is not currently dieting or working out i wouldn't even recommend her using either...

They aren't magic pills you still have to bust your ass in the gym..

so can you give a little background on her diet and training right now and in the past?


Steel Reserves
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Well she's alway's been into fitness. Using those exercise tapes and a treadmill. She's had a child a little over 6mo ago and gained alot of weight and's been kinda struggling to get it off. For a little over a month now she's been becoming more dedicated to walking the treadmill, and I've been helping her get her diet on track; so she's been eating alot of chicken, eggs, salad ect. She has been making good progress and is just looking for an effective fat burner for some extra help. She's also going to get that winsor pilates system relatively soon. Thanks for your help:)


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I think you just answered your own question. An effective fat burner will do. Forget about the t-3 and clen. She won't feel good shaking around the baby. The baby weight is a bear to get off. Why don't you put her on an Atkins like diet with low fat. Since you stated that she was sedentary for a while that should jump start her with low carbs and six small meals.
