Some advice for wif...
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Some advice for wife please?

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Hello ladies, and gents, since I know you post here too. My wife is going to join the gym today. I am not going to give you any details about her, I will let her do that. I don't want to say something that she might not want everyone to know, but I am going to advise her as to not lie to any of you so you can make an accurate assessment of her situation. What I plan doing, since she isn't familiar with working out, is to have her do cardio, 30-45 min, and then just do a round of the machines. Have her do a few high rep sets(2-3) on each, just to get the hang of using the machines and get her body adapted to weights. Then after about a week or 2 of this, set her up on some sort of a workout schedule. I am not going to have her go in ED and do the workout, but EOD, or maybe E3D. What do you think? I am doing this the right way to get her started out? She isn't into comp, just wwants to get back into shape.

Thanks for your time,

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If she hasn't been doing anything at all then she will be finished as soon as she steps off the treadmill. 30 - 45 min is a full workout for someone just getting into a program.

It's almost impossible to tell you what would and wouldn't be good for her when you aren't giving us any information.

That being the case I can only tell you this. Working out is a matter of habit. If someone doesn't make it a habit in their day then they won't stick with it. I like brand new people to workout 5 days a week just to get in the habit. It only takes 21 days to form a habit. M-W-F I would have her doing only cardio. 10 min on the treadmill followed immediately by 10 min on the stepper. It's simple, it's effective, it's getting her butt in the gym. Tuesday and Thursday I would have her doing a very very light full body workout of only two exercises per body part. Simple and easy.

Again not knowing her body or wishes I can't help you any more than that. Please have her list some facts and figures so we can help.

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I concur. I would start her at like 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of circuit training 3 days/week. Build up each week. Next week have her try 25 minutes 3 days. The next week bump it to 25 minutes, 4 days, etc.

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can you give her stats? you NEED someone's stats in order to to a proper assessment of what "they" need to be doing as far as cardio/weights go.

the boys have given you some ideas that are good, but in order to give her the best advice possible, you need stats.

~body type?

these are all very important when setting up a training program for someone.....let us know.


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I haven't been referred to as a "boy" in quite some time. Does that mean I'm 15 again? In that case I can't wait to get up to my son's school today. There's some young girlies up there that need some learnin!

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First of all I want to thank you all your help! My husband speaks highly of this group!
Ok here goes.. I am 27 yr old.. I am about 5'6" and I weigh 215lbs, so you can tell I really need some help. My biggest problem is I do have Hypothyroidism.. I am not using that as an excuse..but as many of you may know with that your thyroid produces no hormones and your body has no metabolism, the last time I had my TSH checked I was still below average, but I am on a Thyroid replacement drug called Synthyroid.
As far as my diet.. I don't eat very often maybe twice a day..(which Hubby stays on me about) but I know I eat the wrong things! He tells me I need to eat more often..but that is hard for me to make myself do...I have pretty much always been overweight except for in 1993 when I lost about 65 lbs (I was only 185 at the time) and ended up in the hospital ( I was not eating at all) ... But I want to do it right this time, so if you could give some suggestions not only for excerise program but diet also that would be great! I plan on trying to go to the gym at least 3 times a week, I wish I could go more often..but we are going to have to rotate gym days so one of us can be home with the kids. I do have an elipitcal trainer at home. Also I was wondering if the classes at the gym were good to the water aerobics and pilates?? What do you guys and gals recommend??
Thanks again,

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simplest advice for a diet would be to stay basic. Cut your sugars out completely, get your carbs from potatoes(not cheesy twice baked), oatmeal, green veggies and maybe rice. Protein in every, eggs, chicken, tuna, steak, turkey. Eat every 2 hours, drink water and coffee only...maybe one diet cola. No juice, no fruit, no dairy(milk, cheese, ice cream, cottage cheese, etc).

Now that's a very strict diet. Can you do it..I dunno? But my best suggestion would be to adopt some form of this diet and slowly week by week get more and more strict with it.

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First of all congrats for starting to go to the GYM and thinking about how to loose weight and get in shape the correct way. Not eating at all certianly is not the way to go.

No matter what your condition is there are basic things that will get you in shape. Good Diet, Regular Workouts with weights, and consistancy. BD gave you some good advice on diet. Look at the type of foods he mentioned. Do you have these types of foods in your house? If not go buy things like these and get rid of what you don't need to be eating.

Also, to loose weight you need to eat! Eating only twice a day will actually slow down your metabo even more. What you need to do is speed it up.

You said you were going to plan on trying to get into the GYM. Planning and trying does not work. You have to get in your car and go. If it's cold out YOU GO. If its raining YOU GO. If you just do not feel like it YOU GO.

If its an emergency and the world is comming to an end then you do your eliptical at home. The first thing you will need to get is the right mind set. Once you have that its just a matter of figuring out the details and that is the fun part.

You mentioned about classes. Many of these classes are very good but you still have to find out what the schedule is and go there. The key is doing something, a Class, Treadmill, stepper, whatever to get into a fatburning zone.

You will see people in very good shape that never go to classes and you will see people that are in very good shape that all they do is go to classes. Just pick what you like and do that on a regular basis.

The guys/gals here will give you some excellent advice. You have some the the best there is right here.


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you must ALWAYS be consistant with diet and training as well. 3 days on, 2 days off, 1 day on, 2 days off...that doesn't cut it.

consistancy will get you to your goal;)
