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Biceps injection failures!

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Guys Im a freak who like to inject his tris delts and bis! Lately and I mean every time I pull blood from the bis when I want to inject! The delts never fail me and only half the time Im successful with tris! I have not been able to anymore out of 10 out of 10 jabs ouch! What gives? Come on guys Help a crazy motha fuka out!

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bro the only thing i can suggest is maybe to lay off those areas for awhile....i just started to utilize my bi's/tri's/traps lately....i have yet to have any i said.....try laying off them for awhile and then retry after say a month....

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Thank's Eft for your input and suggestion. I am laying off those areas for the rest of this cycle at least. Anyone else? All input is appreciated!

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i like to inject directly into my balls. That way my bi's and tri's get a rest.

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Maybe bi injects weren't meant for you. I have no prob with bi, delt and glutes but can't do thigh injects. Thinking of trying a chest shot in the future.

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May have caught up with me huh? Hope not! I spent a ten week cycle before nailing those bis and tris then the last month I used winny and fina ed on bis and tris!

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i hope your using some sort of Suspension cause anything else is not gonna work for good gains.......

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Swolled up had it right. The only gear you should use got site injections are water based such as suspension and winny. I read a huge article on this so trust me. Longer acting gear does not hit the receptors fast enough to absorb into the muscle for site injections to have any affect. In fact, there has not been any scientific evidence to support the fact that site injections even work. You may be wasting your time altogether. If I were you I would just train the body parts harder that you think are lacking and say the hell with site injections. Bro I think the whole concept of site injections may just me a mental thing for you. Meaning that because your shots are giving you a temporary state of being's in your head that they are working for you.
Just my .02 bro. I'm sure some other people will have different opinions on this one.


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Jackedup, it has nothing to do with having the time to hit receptors etc.... It's really not that complicated, so I don't understand why everyone keeps making it complicated.

You have ONE steroid receptor type. The steroid must be FREE to bind. If ANYTHING is attached, it cannot bind to the receptor. Your body must "burn" off the ester to make it free. Prop, enth, cyp, etc. are all esters. The process of "burning" off the ester does NOT take place in the muscle..... The aas must therefore, be transported out of the muscle, and away to have the ester burnt off, so there the whole point of the site injection is blown.....

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T-Spine, that was a much better explanation than I could give. I didn't remember the "science" behind the whole receptor/ester idea. That was more or less what I was trying to say, but I lacked the information to put it the way you did. I actually read it in MuscleMag a couple weeks ago. Good info bro.


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I'm using MASS FUEL which has suspension in it. I believe that site inj do work -just maybe not for long! I have gotten permanent results from this in weak areas of small muscles like bis tris delts! Without a doubt has worked for me-Im not sure of any science behind this .Could be local receptor affect Could be a synthol-like expansion effect I'm grateful for now! SO its tris and delts!

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I think you are close with the idea of synthol-like effect on site inj. I have noticed difference when doing bi inj but I think that may be swelling due to the oil in the gear. It seems like there isn't much size difference once the soreness goes away.

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Successful biceps injection today!:)

Yes , I agree the swelling is temporary! I feel that the swelling has somehow STRETCHED the muscle fiber out, making it easier for real expansion in the next few weeks of a cycle. This has made my biceps longer they now start about 1/2 inch above the elbows! Also the outer head of the tris and the lower outer head of the tris are alot more noticeable. In terms of over all size I dont think it helped much more than 1/2 max, but in weak spots ---NIGHT and DAY bro!

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Someone said something about only using " water based " gear...not true......I have seen oil bases Test suspention....

You have to stick to gear that has no esters for site shots.

As far as getting blood no matter what in your bie's???
Hmmm......I don't know what is up with should be able to see the main veins that flow through your bie's, and inject around them.......if you are injecting and you feel an abnormal pinch or stabing feeling, that is a vein.....stop....pull the pin out about 1/16" to 1/8".....if you have the pin in at least 1/2" to 3/4" in the muscle, asp and see if you have blood.....if you poke the pin into the bie very slow you can feel if you hit a vein....if you stab it in, you might miss the feeling of hitting a vein...Try the slow meth, I guarentee it works.....Once you feel that sharp stab, stop, pull back the pin, asp....( no blood ) shoot.

Easy....I do all my shots slow, slow insertion and slow injection....I have little to know pain, I never go through veins anymore.....never have any probs at all.

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I am sort of a coward when it comes to injecting. From the very begining -no matter where I injected I allways do it slow and painful! I just can't jab it in! I can clearly see the main veins and alot of connecting viens around my biceps and even triceps and delts (also some in the abs,and hips -but we dont inject there! )
😀 Anyway- I do avoid these veins! I use a 1" pin and firmly beleive in fully submerging the needle. In the future I will use a 5/8" pin -I only have about 80 more 1's to go though:D

Oh, I'm thinking my problem was I rushed into injecting and biceps muscles werent fully relaxed! Now I take a hot shower, relax,and inject. -
