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I have been hearing of Bolasterone and how strong it makes you. I am just wondering what it is and if it is a good drug to use because I have also heard it has some nasty side effects. someone let me know.

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are you sure you don't mean Boldenone?

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Nope, its bolasterone. I'd never heard of it either until a few weeks ago. A few UG labs carry it, but I've never found any info other than word of mouth. Seems to be the new "mystery" roid. I've heard good things, but I'm in no hurry to try it myself. Var is what I am most interested in right now, just gotta get some $$$!

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haha thats some real old school stuff there.. man i havent heard that name in a while... it was out in the 80's but is not being produced by legit pharms.. not even sure what the chemical makeup is.. but it sounds cool eh, kinda like that cartoon supevillan bizarro...its prolly just a test/deca mix that someone is bottling... :fina

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Nope, its bolasterone. I'd never heard of it either until a few weeks ago. A few UG labs carry it, but I've never found any info other than word of mouth. Seems to be the new "mystery" roid. I've heard good things, but I'm in no hurry to try it myself. Var is what I am most interested in right now, just gotta get some $$$! young kids and your crazy compounds...a girl can't keep up with ya 😉

ive never heard of it up here in canada......

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Last time I heard that name it was made my Red Star of China ( RSOC ), a UG lab.

iroc swole
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this is avalible to read in other places:

Bolasteron was originally a popular oral steroid being used in Europe. Bolasterone had functions similar to dianabol, but it has long since been discontinued. Several years ago bolasterone became the first big name counterfeit steroid to be internationally marked. Belonging to a group of steroid titled the GDR coupounds, inferring they came from East Germany, this steroid was billed as the best drug ever made. It became very popular partially because several respected steroid experts were in on the production of it, and gave it rave reviews in publications. Thousands of 30cc vials of this injectable steroid were sold at a price of over 200 USD. It was said to contain ten mg of the drug per cc, but it actually contained a low dosage of several domestic steroids mixed together. In spring of 1986, the makers of this drug were busted. There are still at least three other counterfeiters using the bolasterone name: UCLA bolasterone, in a 10cc vial; new bolasterone, in a 10cc vial; and bolasterone depot, in a 50cc vial. All of these items are the worst kind of counterfeit steroids made. They are worthless and dangerous. Many atheletes are still taking these drugs. Its obvious that any item carrying a bolasterone or a GDR label should be avoided.

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that's from anabolics 2000 isn't it? Yeah, it's an old designer drug. One of the first mixed compounds, that gave way to all these popular mixed compounds now. I doubt you'd ever see a legit verison of it, since no one really knew the formula.

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it was made recently by red star of china. unfortunatly if is no longer in production and they are sold out. the product was the shit IMHO. it produced gains similar to Anadrol but without the harsh sides associated with drol. it created amazing strength gains and weight gains in a very short timeframe. i know this first hand cause i have used quite a bit of it in the last year or so. i just wish rsoc was still making it but they cant get any more raw powder to make it.
it was a very popular aas 30 years ago but slowly dissapeared till red star reproduced it late last year. i also have a few friends of mine who used it and will also attest to its amazing gains and increased endurance. R.I.P. for a great product we will probably never see again

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BL you reading this???????????Time for an addition! 🙂

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I also remember Bolasterone being the shit back in the 80s. Anyone that used it got some pretty solid gains, but as I was poor as dirt back then I never did give it a go. It would be interesting to see what exactly made up this compound. I'm thinking that it was probably Tren And test, as that would explain the strength and weight gains seen with it.

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BL you reading this???????????Time for an addition! 🙂

although i doubt they would be able to get their hands on some legit raw powder to make this product, if they did then they would have me back as a customer cause that is how much i like the product. 😀

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