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First cycle (Deca & Test E.)

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How are these dosages:
400mg deca
400mg Test-Enanthate'>test enanthate
All this for 10 weeks, I'm 5'10, 180lbs with 15% bodyfat.
Any chance of loosing a lil bodyfat?
Would it be beneficial to do 500iu of HCG eod to make sure my test levels don't decline?
How much can I gain from this cycle?
Should I throw in d/bol 25mg ed for 5 weeks?
Thanx in advance

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Is this your first cycle? if dbol..if not first 5wks 25mged..(could even front load the bol@35mgedw1) at your weight the doses you set out are on the high side (for a first timer) but they will be fine...and you should see some real nice gains and be pleased w/ yourself. no hcg durring cycle and if you are younger than 30 id say go w/ clomid(this is post cycle treatment). it is possible for you to lose some bf respectivly if you work out right.. also wheres the anti e
id say do a search for enth or deca and you will find everything that you ever wanted to know.


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damn, every time i post i get beat out by someone w/ typing skills
damn the school system.


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Thanx guys, first shot on monday:D .

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I'll have to agree with Jimi on the bodyfat thing. Any gear you take will shift energy sotrage from fat to protein... so it takes a whole lot of eating to add bodyfat while on the gear. If you'd like to drop your bodyfat a bit, adjust your diet accordingly.

I've never seen the point of jacking your %bf way up while on cycle so you can put on a tiny bit more muscle... only to end up dieting down, killing yourself with cardio, losing that extra couple lbs of muscle you put on then coming out where you would have been if you kept your bodyfat low in the first place. Just get lean... then stay there. Less wear and tear on your body it's alot less effort.

oh yeah... as far as the HCG thing. Go for it. It won't hurt. Suggested dosages vary widely. Use it near or at the end of a cycle, start at 500—1000 USP units 3 times weekly for 2-3 weeks. If needed follow that up by the same dose 2 times weekly for 3 weeks. (1USP unit = 1 IU) Lower dosages will cause less of a spike in test levels and offer less chance of gyno.

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Hey Bro, not trying to flame but you may want to take the Hcg in the middle of your cycle instead of at the end there seems to be some good evidence that it works better than taking it at the end save your Clomid for the end of the cycle and use it for 3-4 weeks.
use the Hcg for 7 days 1000-1500 iu eod. if your cyle was heavy ed for 7 same dosage. you can change and alter the dosage to suit your indiviual needs and desires.

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Bump for Ironhorse. Use the hcg at week 5 for like 5 days at 500 to 1000 iu /ed. This will limit your boys from atrophying and will aid in getting them back on line at the end. It is definitely beneficial to do at the mid point.

I wouldn't take it straight thru, as too much can inflame gyno problems....

Take it again for a week or so as indicated above, at the end of your cycle, just before hitting the clomid.

And for a first cycle, your dosages are a little higher than I would prefer...... I would knock them down a bit.

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Thanx guys. I'm a lil confused, I begin the HCG at 500-1000ed mid at the 5th week for five days. At the 11th week (7days after last shot I repeat the process for 5 days again. Two days after, on the 12th week I begin clomid 300mg first day and then 50mg till 3 weeks after.

P.S. Should I lower the Deca to 300 mg?
Thanx again.

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You got it......

Yes, it wouldn't hurt to at least lower the deca to 300mg/wk.

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I just gave ya the more conservative HCG dosage scheduling that is recommended by most physicians. As for putting it in there at the end, I was mainly concerned about final recovery and should have added that you should use clomid and HCG concurrently. I also said that you should throw it in at the end as the halflife of the deca and the enanthate are so long. If you throw it in at the middle, it'll keep your boys from atrophying as much and make recovery with clomid alone at the end a bit easier, but either way works. I've never used HCG myself and have naught but the recommendations and advice from friends and the actual school medicine opinions... either way, you're gonna need to taylor the dosage and injection schedule for yourself. The only way you'll find out which method you like best is with time and experience.
