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I'm just kinda curious here. I have seen the idea played with alot but never actually talked with anyone whose done it. Anyway... due to the extremely long halflives. Would putting down down an entire cycle's worth of both test and nandrolone decanoate in the first two weeks of a cycle... say 6 grams of test, 4.5grams of deca... and then nothing after that (except maybe some orals) actually work? In theory, due to the halflives it should taper off nicely and should be active in appreciable ammounts for 8-10 weeks. It would be an interesting experiment anyway.

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Theoritcly it should work, but i'm not going to be the one to try it.


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Interesting thought Tadger.... Feel free and try it and let us know...... 😉

I don't think it would work quite that way, as your body has a system for processing test and burning off the ester's.... This is precisely the reason I disagree to a certain extent with the statement that "test is test". Yes, test is test, but the propinate ester is not the cypinate ester. And from experience, I would say not everyone's body processes the esters the exact same way, rate, etc.......

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Originally posted by Titaniumspine
Interesting thought Tadger.... Feel free and try it and let us know...... 😉

This is precisely the reason I disagree to a certain extent with the statement that "test is test". Yes, test is test, but the propinate ester is not the cypinate ester...

Heh heh heh... dunno about that. I do remember a post about this a while back... before the namechange. One of the guys said he was gonna give it a go. I was just wondering if anything ever came of that.

Now as far as the "test is test'" thing... I understand what your'e sayin. That's why I usually follow it up with... "the only thing that changes is how often you have to inject." You always need to take into account how long it will take your body to hydrolize the whichever ester you go with.

My beef is with people who think that suspention or prop will cause less water rentention or will make you bigger than enanthate or cyp. There's never a difference in sides or gains or anything... after all... once the ester is hydrolized, you're always left with the same thing... test! The ester has nothing to do with what the test does once the two are separated. Once it's gone... that's it. It's job is done. You're left with a molecule of test and one of carboxylic acid, each of which has no effect on the other after that.

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interesting thought process.
what you might think about, is find one of those dose calculator things out on the net that shows how much juice is still in your based upon initial dose and time lapse. you know what I'm talking about? cant remember where I've seen them, but it might shed a little light.
personally, I wouldnt do it. I think a steady elevation in your body is probably best, rather than a fuckin test slam. again....just my thoughts/ideas and I'm a pussy 😀

you know....if you slammed all that juice into be like putting implants in....LMAO

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im curious if you tried frontloading the 10.5 grams of gear and are still alive? let us know how you made out.:D
