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I really don't know what I am doing. As in previous posting I am 207 @ actually 13% bdf(found out tonight) and am taking 1cc of Testabol 250 for 10 weeks, I am on my first week. When will I start to see some changes and what can I expect. I am wonderind if I should be taking more. I also have some clen(20mg) should I be taking this along with it. I tend to gain a lot of water weight even without Test. I have access to 50mg deca but the test I am taking ttokyo or something like that is supposed to be kinda harsh(sore injection site). It really was kinda sore but, not bad. I just want to know if I should shorten the cycle and take more, if I should get more and take more, or just shut up and go the way I am going? Is there anything else I should consider?

Thanks for your help from anyone that responds.

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Get more test. 500mg/week of test and throw in that deca at 300-400 mg/week. Mix the deca with your testanon and it should help with the soreness. Then you should be good to go. 😉

As far as the water bloat....try some taraxatone, you can get it at GNC. Save the clen for a cutting cycle.


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Have you cycles before? If so you should bump that to 500mg Test and add some Deca in there at say 3-400mg/week, run that fro 8 weeks total and add some clomid Post cycle to get things going again. Testabol takes anywhere from 3-4 weeks to show results.

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I have done 1 cycle 6 years ago but it was fake shit!(Lost a friend over that one)

The deca I have is 50mg so I would have to take about 6cc to get to 300mg a week. Do I take this all at once or spread it out over the full week?

Oh, what about the clen?


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Get more test and add some Deca. Running only 250mgs/wk isn't going to do much of anything for you especially considering how much you weigh. Also, 50mg/ml Deca is really shitty dosage wise. You need 300-400mgs/wk of Deca and that means taking 7-8cc's a week...thats not a good idea. Get some more potent Deca and up the test to 500mgs/wk. Also, dude if you really don't know what you're doing THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST WASTE YOUR MONEY ON GEAR??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you're just learning bro, but do some searches and learn about sauce before you take the plunge. There is a friggin' encyclopedia's worth of material on what you're looking for.


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I was going off info from a professional body builder friend of mine. Placed second recently in a semi-pro event 2 months ago.

He said this would be a good start for me but, I think he was just trying to unload some extra Testabol he had. I am just trying to make the best of this considering I have already started. Still wandering about the clen though? I don't want to be gigantic just want to add about 20lbs of quality muscle to my frame. Have always hit a platue when I go heavy and I just want to blow right by it this time.

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You can get away with 250mg/week. If you're just starting off it's not a problem at all. I know of alot of conservative types that would rather go with the lowest dosages possible that still yield gains and they've done pretty well from what I've seen. It just takes alot longer but the sides are usually real easy to deal with... not as hard on your system which is always nice. If you want, 0you can stay with 250mg/week... but at your weight you'll see much better gains from 500mg/week. Your friend probably wasn't leading you astray so don't go calling off the friendship or anything. Nothing wrong with low dosages if you're not in a real hurry.

As for the clen, if you're just looking to drop your bodyfat you can use the low dose test and the clen and just modify your diet and training... you can make a nice cutting cycle out of that. No big deal. If you want some mass... you can always just hit the gear a bit harder later.

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the only thing your gonna get off of 250mg of test is nut shut down......your body produces about that little aint worth it.....bump it up to 500mg........and follow what the bros suggested.......

stay swolledup.......:D

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I tried to increase my test to 500mg as suggested but remembered it hurt and became sore for 4-5 days last time. So, I took 250mg in left arm(delt) on saturday, the next day I could not lift my arm and it turned very red all over my entire bicep and triceps and it hurt like I had torn my arm out of the socket(no joke). I then took 250mg in the right(delt) yesturday and the left arm is still red and swollen considerably more than the right. What to do.

Please no reply's like (your a pussy) that doesn't help me.

Thanks for any replies.

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Use a BIG muscle like your glute or thigh. I if you can't use your shoulder, you can't train any upper body. If your leg is sore, at least you can still train.....

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I agree... stick with larger muscle groups. You can work through pain in your glutes or quads... if you're delts are so sore you can't move em you're kinda screwed. Anyway, make sure you're using good sterile technique too. Since the one swelled up and was warm n red and the other was not... chances are you weren't as careful as you should have been.

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500 mg a week...many have good gains when going into the thigh (site injection with test works for some) ...outer mid to upper portion og the thigh....just make sure to draw back on the syringe to assure you havent hit a vein....

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SITE INJECTIONS WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY ESTER, aside from localized swelling while the oil is still in the muscle. You need Suspension for it to even be possible......

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Thats what she said too. Kidding. For real use you glutes. Even if you get pain there you can still hit the weights. Not to mention hitting a vein woul be A LOT harder in the ass then in the shoulder. I don't know about you but my shoulders are swarmed with veins. I wouldn't even risk that one. Hope this helps

