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some dude was telling me that deca would not pass through a 25 gauge???

never heard that he on crack

I thought deca was oil based and passed through niceley....said he used Dragon Pharma and it would not go through syringe

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I was just wondering about dart sizes myself. I was more concerned about pushing the product through undamaged but aparently that is not an issue. I currently have 25G darts and I have drawn up Sust. 250 and D-A 400 twice and although it went slow it did go. I f**ked up and bought the wrong sixe darts, I personally like 22G or bigger. jmo

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Depends on the type of oil etc. Personally, I would normally recommend a 22 or 23 gauge. Buys some cheap 18 guagers to draw with, then put the fresh pin back on to inject. Cheaper and better that way......

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Big bump for Tspine.
Always draw your gear with a big pin(18g) then switch to a smaller pin to inject(22-25g).
