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reforvit or d-bol

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alright bros should i take the Dbol or the 25mg reforvit for wks 1-4 and someone mentioned chewing the tabs does it really affect your gains

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Either will work fine, some of us have found you have to use a little more Reforvit mg for mg than tabs. Another words 30mg of tabs work better than 30mg of Reforvit for some reason, may have something to do with the fact the tabs have a coating or something like that, no one knows for sure why its like that. But than again reforvit is usually cheaper than the tabs so it probably balances out in the end. As for chewing the only ones that require chewing are IP's dbol, he suggests you chew his stuff for better absorption, the others you dont have to chew. Also remember if your putting the reforvit in gel caps you cant make them up ahead of time or they'll dissolve on you so it can get to be a pain being around the bottle a few times per day if your busy.

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in the words of the man himself " chew the tabs !" which means chew the tabs... not JUST the dbol

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good lookin out TJ thanks for the advice
