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sustanon VS Entnanate

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what would you prefer to help me get the strongest sustanon or Tornel Test enthanate.I know both will get you pretty big but if i take 750mg of sustanon or 600mg of Enthanate what will increase my strength more.I will Be stacking it with 400mg Deca.

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I would go with the better brand name. If you can get human grade sust, as opposed to Tornel ethanate, I would go with the sust. If possible, I would avoid Mexican gear. Too much of it is under dosed, under filled and not sterile.

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Originally posted by flexinnc
I would go with the better brand name. If you can get human grade sust, as opposed to Tornel ethanate, I would go with the sust. If possible, I would avoid Mexican gear. Too much of it is under dosed, under filled and not sterile.

Yee I agree and would recommend you european brands!
Stay away from this mexican shit!

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sust is better. There's enanthate in sust. a blend is always better.

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This is how I play it
For a short run like 8 weeks I use Enanthate. Its on in 2 weeks and out in two weeks.
For a long run I 10 -12 weeks I pick Sust over them all! Its on in 3 1/2 -4 weeks and out in 3. End that cycle's last 4 weeks with prop.

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Originally posted by buffdiggity
sust is better. There's enanthate in sust. a blend is always better. I disagree. With four different esters in one shot of test....your blood concentrations will not be stable. Unless injected ed or eod. And if this is done then there will be quite a buildup of longer acting esters. This will lead to peaks and valleys of hormone level. Stable hormone levels = better gains and less side effects.

This is the test blend in sustanon:
30mg Testosterone Propionate, 60mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60mg testosterone isocaproate, 100mg testosterone decanoate

Isocaproate is similair to enanthate.

If you were to inject 250mg of sus a week....the shorter acting esters would be half lived by 4 days or so. So you really wouldn't getting that full 250mg of test a week like you would using enanthate or cyp.

IMO if you want to manipulate esters to your advantage....use enanthate as you normally would....but add prop the first 2 or 3 weeks to get things going right away. You could also add it at the last 2 or 3 weeks while your waiting for longer acting esters to exit the body.

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that's why you run sust with a fast acting androgen like Dbol or prop, etc.

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go with the sus......not saying its better tan enanthate

but t200 is trash

if your sus is quality overseas stuff go with that....

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id run the sus - you know what your getting with the euro stuff & you can keep your blood levels even with a frontload & then correct timing of injections (every 3rd day) & adding dball to jump start your cycle. check out the sus spreadsheet also, it shows you daily/weekly blood levels (do a search - i forget the website-this is not the roidcalculator)

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ester blends are great...if you're a hypogonadic old bastard who hates needle and only needs on shot of sust every month or three weeks...that's what the shit was designed for, not us!
factually, the more esterification in the mix, the less actuall test you get. if i'm not mistaken, organon's sust 250 contains only 177mgs of actuall test.
also, ever notice how sust takes three to four weeks to come on strong? the ester blend takes too long for max overlap...cyp or enan is a better choice imo...
that isn't to say i don't love sust...if i find it cheap, i'll still buy it, what the hell...i'm injecting it eod anyhow....but i'll always run it with Suspension or tren or dbol or something fast...
just my .02

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Gotta agree with ya Chiliuno! I use a shitload of sust because it's so slow and all the test isnt used at the same times! Dont even ask how much compared to enathate! But the price is right!

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Go with enanthate.

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this is very informative...keep it coming..
