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test prop

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can someone please explain the difference between Test Propionate and test phenyl-propionate. Are they fairly similar or what?

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Phenyl-Prop has a longer half life and less injections are needed to keep test levels stabilized in the body. Regular Prop is every day or every other day injections. Phenyl is every third or fourth day I believe. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure on the much longer the shots are spread out in comparison to reg. prop though I do know the injections are less frequent. Maybe somoneone else could better explain that for ya.


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Other than the name Test Prop and NPP (Nandrolone Phenylprop. they do not share much in common except the both can be taken every other day or third day and still work well.
Dura. is a Nandrolone and it is very ana bolic and only moderately Androgenic, while Propionate is both Androgenic and Anabolic a true Test product.
Dura is also ez-er on the body unlike Test. Prop. there are very few side effects even at high doses while using Dura you can't say that about Prop. if toy were going to link NPP to another drug it would have to be deca Dura ir is faster acting most gain less muscle while using Dura but it's better quality than Deca.

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Originally posted by IronHorse
Other than the name Test Prop and NPP (Nandrolone Phenylprop. they do not share much in common except the both can be taken every other day or third day and still work well.
Dura. is a Nandrolone and it is very ana bolic and only moderately Androgenic, while Propionate is both Androgenic and Anabolic a true Test product.
Dura is also ez-er on the body unlike Test. Prop. there are very few side effects even at high doses while using Dura you can't say that about Prop. if toy were going to link NPP to another drug it would have to be Deca Dura ir is faster acting most gain less muscle while using Dura but it's better quality than Deca.

Actually, he is talking about Testosterone Phenylprop, one of the four esters used in Sust and Omna and not NPP.

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Yeah... not sure where the NPP thing came in... but while where at it.

if we were going to link NPP to another drug it would have to be Deca. Dura is faster acting, most gain less muscle while using Dura but it's better quality than Deca.
Um... that's like saying that test prop will yield different results than test enanthate. Once the ester comes off... you're left with the same thing, Nandrolone. The ester has no bearing on how the steroid works... only how long it takes to get into the blood.

Dura is also ez-er on the body unlike Test. Prop. there are very few side effects even at high doses while using Dura you can't say that about Prop.
Personally I'm of the opinion that nandrolones along with other 19nortest derivatives are much harder for your body to deal with. You body was designed to use test... everything in your body is setup and ready to deal with test. Nandrolones are far more suppressive to the hpta and yield similar or more serious side effects than do testosterones. The metabolites stay in your system much longer than that of test (take a look at detection times for nandrolone vs test... reguardless of ester the nandrolones are detectable longer). Sides may be caused not only by the actual steroid but also it's metabolites. As far as the sides go:
Gyno, water retention, depression, erectile disfunction, loss of sex drive, prostate enlargement, hepatoxicity, hypertension, hypercalcemia, acne, anemia, changes in lipid levels and insulin sensitivity... granted some of those go hand in hand with test, but still. Nandrolones are far from easy on your system.
