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What 1 should i use?

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Hello people,

As i have posted once b 4 i am getting ready to do my 3rd cycle
Which will be:400mg deca 10 weeks
750mg sust 10 weeks
last 6 weeks 100mg tren
but not sure for the 1st 4 weeks if to use Dbol at 50mg aday
or to do Anadrol 50.
I have used dbol for all my cycles and think its ok but have heard
anadrol kicks arse.
What do u guys think if i do anadrol would 1 tab aday b ok or
would u reackon 2?
is 100mg of tren 1.25ml?
Im buying it as trenbolone acetate - 80mg/ML 10ML.
Thanks for any help

Eminent Member
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Posts: 31

hey bro

I would stay away from Anadrol if at all possible. The sides are way worse than dbol and you wont keep most of the gains anyways.

and yes. 1.25ml is 100mg.


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If you do decide to go with Anadrol and tren, I would recommend getting some winny just incase of gyno from progesterone as the usual anti-e's won't help. Winny may by competing at the receptor sites help to keep it under control. Just a though bro, but worth considering IMO. Good luck!!


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Stick with dbol- I feel it is abetter strength drug... esp considering how harsh abombs are.........

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I agree.....i'd stick with the dbol....

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Ok bro's u all say the same i got 4 replies and u all say keep
away from a50's.
So dbol it is
Thank you so much

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Well I don't know what to say about the abombs. I hear from a number of trusted friends that they're not as bad as most people think. Either way... I was gonna comment more on the rest of the cycle.

I'd up that deca dosage a bit and I'd move that tren up to the beginning instead of the end.

week 1-6 dbol 50mg/day (or alternatively: week 1-4 abomb 50mg/day)
week 1-5 6 tren 100mg EOD or ED
week 1-10 sust 750mg/week
week 1-10 deca 5-600mg/week

My reasoning for moving the tren up is that you already have deca in there. Tren And nandrolone are very similar. The tren acetate will go to work right quick, so about the time you drop that out, the deca will be kicking in at full strength. (Almost like if you were to run prop in the first 4 weeks of s cyp/enanthate cycle.) That and I do like the idea of tren/dbol at the same time. heh heh heh. Only other thing I can recommend is to run some arimidex there too... you'll really like that.

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Cycle looks good.I agree with everyone else,I personally
don`t care for abombs.

