Cutting on DNP and....
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Cutting on DNP and....

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Mirrors are only the methadone of body building.You need a real audience.There's that joke.
How many bodybuilders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Three-one to screw in the bulb and two to say,"Really,dude,you look massive!"

Yeah,*that* joke.
It's not really a joke.

~Chuck Palahniuk

Blah,I am too light up from smoking some kind bud w/my younger brother and his friends,nice way to get in on some real male bonding action w/dear bro,I may add to type at a decenmt pace and more to the point,form any kind of rational layout/diatribe I was about to go on in this thread before stopping to smoke me retarted.I also was 2 minutes away from getting in a cool ass self effacing bit of irony and it's relatation to vanity in the context of the Adonis complex/pretty boy m.....fuck i got nothing.
In myfucked up's a limerick for ya.......

Me drink some new diet cherry vanilla dr pepper now,tried it for the first time just now and me likey.

Gonna post me some old pics from a year ago,then ther new ones which'll be developed by tomorrow.

I forgot i deleted all of the photos I took,too apathetic to scan them up now instead since i already started this thread so to redeem it,i'm throwing up a painting by a fav artist of mine....and whose husband's first name is also Colin...could that be some kind of vague sign from the lords of the dark netherworld that chopping him up into 666 bits and pieces then sacrificing him in the name of Satan and taking his fine lass as my betrothed was meant to be my destiny,my one and only chance at true happiness with a woman....hmmmm,makes a fella think.

Edit #2...umm,my apologies for the fucked up incoherent post above.
Got my film back from CVS today and apparently the disposable camera i used was fucked as there were no exposures on the prints at all.So I'll have some shit up by tomorrow.

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Finally got around to taking new pics/convincing my younger brother it's not gay to hook me up,although I didn't feel quite "right" flexing in my boxers.

Back/double bi:

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I took a most muscular but since I don't know how to pose I had my arms to low so this one will sub for a front view.

My chest fat/pseudo gyno is pretty evident in this pic,which I plan on complete eradication via lipo-y w/assorted goodies mixed in over the next 3 months as I plan on a SLOW i.e.the polar opposite of anything drastic,cut to 10%.Extreme measures always end up backfiring ridiculously,in my case at least.

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The last one is a leg shot.

I store fat overall in a weird ass estrogenic pattern so while I'm around 20%,it's spread out in my thighs chest,stomach with a disproportionate amount on my chest,only topicals and a hefty deficit w/cardio has ever dealt w/that effectively.Ugh.

My plan is to use a conservative dose of DNP @400mg for 7 days on/7 off for the next coupla months.This dose has kept the kind of profuse sweating.i.e dripping sweat while in line @Pathmark w/the clerk asking if I was alright,at bay.That was not a lotta fun.A week on this shit is long enough,anymore and I get too pissy from feeling like shit.
There's still some leathragy @ 400mg's but I'm prone to that anyway so I can deal with it fairly well.

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Your rear double biceps pic is definatly impressive! Keep your goal in mind and keep chugging along!

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You don't look at all around 20% to me. I'd guess closer to 15 than 20. I guess I'm really bad at this guestimation business.

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Colin there is no fucking way you are 20% BF from that rear lat spread. How are you ascertaining this??

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Posted by: @Loki
Colin there is no fucking way you are 20% BF from that rear lat spread.  How are you ascertaining this??

20% is a rough estimate and I think it's pretty accurate,+ or - a couple points.True,I didn't/have never used calipers but I feel confident I know what 20% looks like.

I didn't just pull an arbitrary figure out of my cough,cough,fat arse as it's the fact that I store fat somewhat in an estrogenic pattern so the rear lat/bi spread can be decieving.

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but I feel confident I know what 20% looks like.

You would probably say I'm like 40-50% bf then

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Im actually impressed. From the way you described yourself, I thought you would be chubby. Back looks nice and lean. Lower Lats need a little work, but overall not bad. You seem to be slouching and pushing your stomach out in the 2nd pic or else you would seem much leaner. 20%?? Im thinking more like 15%.

Twin Peak
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Not a fucking chance in hell, you are anywhere close to 20%.

You are insane.

More like 10%.

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Posted by: @Twin Peak
Not a fucking chance in hell, you are anywhere close to 20%.

You are insane.

More like 10%.

I keep wondering if the whole "layne" 14% thing back when he practically had striations in his abs has something to do with this. This has occured quite often lately. Guys who have an appreciable amount of muscle and appear quite lean quoting astronomical bodyfat levels. No i'm not ragging on layne, just a trend I noticed

Twin Peak
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I don't recall that thread.

I tend to think its the nature of the beast, body dismorphia. Go look at my recent pics, I am in the ~14-16% BF range now.

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Posted by: @Twin Peak
Not a fucking chance in hell, you are anywhere close to 20%.

You are insane.

More like 10%.

Honestly I'll cop to that but putting facets of insanity aside,including any degree of body dysmorphia,I am quite sure I am *approximately* 20%.

Thanks for the compliment.I am not actually pushing the fat in my stomach out,I was standing fairly upright.I am on the chubby side but when flexing/posing I look much leaner in the bi/back pic than I actaully am,this is somewhat evident in the frontal pic where you noted the fat on my stomach.Btw,I've been hitting my lats pretty agressively and just recently added chins @ b/w+ 25 with static holds of 5-20 secs as a finishing move.That's the best thing I've come up with so far,what has worked your lower lats most effectively?
I'm not interested in bulking again,I want to retain the LBM I have lean out to a reasonable level of 10% while getting stronger while my shoulder stays fairly functional as a rotator cuff injury prevents me from heavy pressing.I'm looking to engorge my muscle with as much blood as possible,obviously you know your shit so any input you could throw my way would be appreciated.

Godemode:Point taken,hehe,but I've seen your pics and would guess you're 25% or so.

I will ask one of the trainers @ my gym to 3 point test my b/f w/calipers to get a more definitive answer...but really,just WHERE I store fat on my body is what makes me appear leaner in the pics.

Twin Peak
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Dude, you are so far off, its unreal. As I said, go look at my photos. Look at mt lovehandles. That is not even 20% and you are way leaner than I. If you have 20 pounds of fat on you, I'd be surprised.

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