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Cheat Meals / Cheat Days / Refeeds

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Just curious as to which concept you guys use when dieting... and why ??

I'm thinking about giving the whole refeed deal a shot, but I just think that's way too many simple sugars for my body... Last year while dieting I was using cheat days, but now I'm employing cheat meals much more than cheat days.. Of course, my cheat meals only come once a week, if that..

As of right now, I like the cheat meal because it gives me a chance to get rid of cravings with that specific meal, and I don't go too overboard like I did with the cheat day..

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Posted by: @bpdaddy
Can you explain to me what the difference between Refeeds and Cheat day?  I understand what cheat meals is...

Refeed - goal is to increase glycogen levels as much as possible by using simple carbs/high GI/II carbs, w/extremely minimal fat intake, moderate protein intake, point is to increase leptin levels. (others - feel free to correct me on this)
Cheat Day - A bunch of cheat meals, whatever the hell you want to eat.. No standards as to form/source/amount of carbs/fats/protein.
Cheat Meal - 1 meal, whatever the hell you want to eat at that meal.

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Actually, I've been on a strict 'TKD' for 3 weeks now. I'm going to have a full-blown 'gorge-fest' this Saturday. I'm not going to play around with a 'meal' or a 'refeed' (while it may be that much better for you than a cheat day; it's a lot less fun). I'm happy with my progress so far and I'm going to eat what the fuck I want. I think having a 'cheat day' once every 3 weeks will not hurt anything. Once a week is a different story. Besides, I can make an excuse, err, rationalize and say- 'it's going to make my metabolic rate sky-rocket'.

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I'd definitely have to agree that a cheat day every 3 weeks won't kill your progress...

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I got rid of chat meals and switched to refeeds and all I can say is my expirience has been nothing but amazing. It really kind of stucks though the refeed days for me are the worst. It is worse than the regular days but psychologically it made the rest of the diet easier because I look forward to getting back to normal eating after the reffed. my refeeds consists of dextrose, multidextrin, maltose in equal parts. I have some table sugar ealy in the mourning to get the liver glycogen up and then I have no fructose for the rest of the day. the rest of the day is spent sipping drinks made of the above mentioned sugars and whey protein isolate. I also take large amounts of vanadyl, ALA, magnisium and metaformin. I do this every saterday when I am above 10% bf and every wednesday and saterday when I am below 10% bf. all I can say is that my progress has been much better doing this than doing a cheat meal. I also do two workots on these days.

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If using a drug with leptin-like effects, it seems that refeeds should be carb days with all low-GI carbs. This will refill muscle glycogen with less insulin secretion and no sugar crash while the drug (Leptigen, bromocriptine, nicotine) does the hormonal part. Best of both worlds.

Of course, I think it would be the same if one just ate more low-GI carbs every day (with a drug with leptin-like effects).

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I like refeed/carbup meal. No more than 2 meals a week.
I'm not a huge believer in cheat meals/days, though they achieve many of the same things refeeds/carbup's do.

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Posted by: @plornive
If using a drug with leptin-like effects, it seems that refeeds should be carb days with all low-GI carbs.

If you're using a drug w/"leptin-like effects", then using refeeds perhaps wouldn't even be warranted.. that is, if the drug does in fact increase leptin levels.

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Posted by: @RockECU
If you're using a drug w/"leptin-like effects", then using refeeds perhaps wouldn't even be warranted..  that is, if the drug does in fact increase leptin levels.

not necessarily. I think plornives point is that "refeeding" (where the purpose is to increase leptin) may not be necessary, however, "carb-ups" (restore muscle gycogen) will still be beneficial
