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is there a limit

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Is there a limit to how much fat the human body can store in one day? Say someone eats 10,000 ate they use 2,800 of them do they store 8,200 or does the body give up and shit it out?
i dont know why i just always wondered about this.

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It would depend on if you have the ability to store fat well. If these were cals consumed during a cheat day, most would pass through the body. But every day, as an endo, you would begin to see weight gain.

Par Deus
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It will also depend on the macronutrient. Fat will be stored much more readily than carbohydrates or protein.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Par Deus,
I've read some of your posts over at MFW and am impressed with your understanding of nutrition, leptin, etc..
I have a question:
I know that fat is stored quite easily, with little to no thermic effect, and that protein has the largest thermic effect, but I was also curious about how much excess carbohydrate can be stored, say, within a 5-10hr period.
I ask because my bf% is around 9%, and I defininetly show symptoms of low leptin levels.
I can handle this for the most part, since I'm not looking to lose weight, just to maintain my bf as best I can (though I accept some fat is inevitable) while slowly adding mass.
Only time its a problem is when I have a few drinks with my buddies (we all gotta live right!). Invariably, I end up housing a good deal of carbs--usually a box of cereal or some such thing. I never crave fat. Afterwards, my body temp goes through the roof, so I know that metabolism is cranked.
Anyway, even if this uncontrolled "refeed" occurs 2times a week, I don't appear to have gained any fat from it (its been going on for awhile now).
So, in that small time frame, is significant fat storage unlikely? i should add that a trip to the bathroom is always forthcoming in the morning, suggesting that alot of it just passed through.
Anyway, sorry for the long-winded question, but I respect your opinion and would appreciate your input.

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I come into similar situations with the many wrestlers that I work with, especially when we get down to <8% BF. This is why I am so excited about LeptiGen. The best thing that I have found so far is to get on an eating schedule and try to stick to it everyday. This will help your body become conditioned. Adaptation to nutrient intake is simalar in a way to exercise adaptation. We stick to at least 6 meals per day, 8 for some of the guys. Shoot to make as many of these solid meals, except for p/w.

Also, we work "refeeds" into the schedule by roughly maintaining intake and dropping exercise. This generally occurs once every 6-7 days. Obviously these guys are highly anaerobic and definitely eat a lot of carbs. Weight loss is never less than 40% carbs and gaining is around 60%.

Us your fucking brain.

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Bump for Par Deus,
I'd really be interested in your take on my questions!

Par Deus
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If you have been dieting, you basically could not eat enough carbs over a 6-8 hour period to cause anything more than negligible de novo lipogenesis.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Par Deus,
I appreciate the reply. One last question: how often should/could one at 7-10%bf refeed for 6-10hrs without seeing appreciable fat gains. I train 6-7days a week (weights and HIIT sprints). Goals: maintain bf%, gain lean mass if possible (a slow process).

Par Deus
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Posted by: @Tkarrde
Par Deus,
I appreciate the reply. One last question: how often should/could one at 7-10%bf refeed for 6-10hrs without seeing appreciable fat gains. I train 6-7days a week (weights and HIIT sprints). Goals: maintain bf%, gain lean mass if possible (a slow process).

Six hours -- every day.

8-12 hours, every other day, and you will probably drop some bf over time.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

Par Deus
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Posted by: @Par Deus
Six hours -- every day.

8-12 hours, every other day, and you will probably drop some bf over time.

This is assuming you are dieting the rest of the time.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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How severely would I have to be dieting? I currently eat about 16-18cals a pound for maintainance, which isn't exactly dieting, but I am frequently quite hungry and think about food--low leptin (guess I have a high metabolism, of course I was hypothyroid and prescribed 50mcgs of cytomel and 50mcg synthroid a day. I still tend to indulge myself in a refeed with a box of cereal once or twice a week with no gain.
In order to incorporate refeeds that often, what apr. cal/per pound would you advocate during my 'dieting days?'
Thanks again, your input means alot.

Par Deus
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I would say 15% below maintenence would probably keep bodyfat steady. It is a good starting point, at least -- just adjust up or down from there, based on what your bodyfat is doing.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Sounds good Par.
So, if I maintain weight of 168 at about 2800-3000cals currently, I'd simply eat around 2400cals on 'dieting days,' and refeed with whatever carbs I want for about 6-8hours every other day? Does this seem right? That seems indulgent!
Let me know if I'm asking too many questions...I know it can get irritating and redundant.

Par Deus
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Posted by: @Tkarrde
Sounds good Par.
So, if I maintain weight of 168 at about 2800-3000cals currently, I'd simply eat around 2400cals on 'dieting days,' and refeed with whatever carbs I want for about 6-8hours every other day? Does this seem right?

Yes, though you should keep fructose in the 50-100g per day range.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Posted by: @Par Deus
Yes, though you should keep fructose in the 50-100g per day range.

Since most people are using kiddie cereals, candy, low-fat cakes, etc (myself included) in their refeeds it should be noted that taking the above recomendation into consideration you need to keep an eye on sucrose limiting it to 100-200 grams (being that sucrose is half glucose half fructose). Most already prob take this into consideration but I just thought it was worth a mention so that people are not simply avoiding fruit and thinking anything else goes.

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