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I am fairly small in height wise, but do to college wrestling, I have shrunk my stomach extremely. I am just about to start a cycle of Sus, D-bol, & Deca, but I have a very hard time shoving food in my stomach. Do you know of anything that will help increase appetite?

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EQ and B12 work for me......
its probably the hardest part of a cycle for me....
eating enough food....but its probably the most important....
and the one that most often gets neglected.....

i always recommend writing down everything you eat....
some days it seems like you've eaten a lot of food.....
but when you write it may see that its not
as much as you think....or the food you're eating isnt calorie dense, so you've eaten 12 times during the day....but only
consumed 3000calories......

it seems to motivate me more when i have a set goal....
say 5000 calories and 400g of protein a easier
to scarf down the food when i'm trying to meet my goal...
rather than eating...just because i have to.....

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I'll bump that on over to my newbies post... Even if you've been training and had good nutrition for a long time, it is still good to keep a journal to make sure you aren't misleading yourself!

Bump for the Y man......

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40 gr of protein every 3 hr..if your hungry just eat what your muscle need,increase your calorific intake with liquid calorie,sport drink,skim milk,naturaljuice,soyamilk,mct,diary product...

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you have to read / if your not hungry /x-cuse-me..

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hey bro...they pretty much said it all. The only thing i gotta add is watch yourself if your wrestlin. I'm a college athlete as well and i know alot of wrestlers too. We all get random drug tests once a month. And yeah they're mostly lookin for street shit, but they are also testing for the main AAS as well. Be careful bud, wouldn't want ya to throw away your wrestlin career! I got busted for it and don't wanna see it happen to another bro. Good luck bro!

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Originally posted by yyzgeddylee
i always recommend writing down everything you eat....
some days it seems like you've eaten a lot of food.....
but when you write it may see that its not
as much as you think....or the food you're eating isnt calorie dense, so you've eaten 12 times during the day....but only
consumed 3000calories......

Good advice... I still don't have a log book.. I just eat, eat, eat.... I take in around 3500 calories from weightgain drinks alone.. then plus my other meals throughout the day... but I'm not exactly sure just how much it really is. When I get home tonight I'll make a log book...

Thx 4 Advice.


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Originally posted by Cheer_hulk
hey bro...they pretty much said it all. The only thing i gotta add is watch yourself if your wrestlin. I'm a college athlete as well and i know alot of wrestlers too. We all get random drug tests once a month. And yeah they're mostly lookin for street shit, but they are also testing for the main AAS as well. Be careful bud, wouldn't want ya to throw away your wrestlin career! I got busted for it and don't wanna see it happen to another bro. Good luck bro!

Good advice indeed....I got tested 4 times during my first semester alone., and then when I came back home to compete I was tested another 2 times in the summer. If your competing D-1 I'd be carefull...

For two of my tests at school though I had about 6 days notice, but the other ones were all random during my competitions.


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I would gradually increase ur calorie intake over the course of a few days, to get your body used to increase in calories, and make sure your spreading your calories out over at least 6 meals a day
