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Quick GH question?

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I just got one kit of GH from g*****gear. I have 20 small vials with blue lids. Am i correct to add 1cc of bacteriostatic water? If i am i count each 10 clicks on my slin pin as 1-IU of GH? 20 clicks for 2-IU....and so forth?

I was just doubting myself because the water only filled up the little vial about 1/4 of the way.

Thanks, Phin

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yep :D:D - it does not matter how much water you add you will always have a total of 10ius - just divide the amount of water you added by 10 and that will give you how much 1iu will be

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Wait, if you have 1 kit and there are 20 vials then each vial is only 5iu's. It is a 100iu kit correct? If so then your math will be a little different. 20 clicks would be 1iu if that is the case.

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Wait, if you have 1 kit and there are 20 vials then each vial is only 5iu's. It is a 100iu kit correct? If so then your math will be a little different. 20 clicks would be 1iu if that is the case.

but what if he was standing just south of the equator on one leg with a parrot on his shoulder - then it would be 2ius per 10 clicks - or is it 10ius per 2 clicks

I am assuming his 1 kit was actually 2 and it was just from 1 order - if his 1 kit is from 1 order and he does have 1 kit which is 20 vials then my maths on it being 2 kits from 1 order would be incorrect and your maths on 1 kit from 1 order would be right if 20 vials is 1 kit..


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Thanks both Jam and Billy! I was real confused because i bought a LOT of peptides from two different sources. They are the normal 10 vial kit each! Thanks a lot guys! I plan on running this stuff 8 months at a time.

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Holy s*#T! My head is spinning:stupid

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Holy s*#T! My head is spinning:stupid

It takes some getting used to. You have to remember first that I.U.'s are units of mass not a click of the needle. Then you need to READ READ READ!

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It seems intimidating at first but it is actually so simple! You just have to remember that nomatter how much water you put in the vial, there is only ever gonna be 10ius of HGH in there. The more water you add the more you are diluting it. The less you add the smaller the shot is gonna be. Think about a one gallon packet of koolaid. It's up to you how much water you use to make your drink but it's still only one packet. You can make it with 1/2 gallon of water and it'll be strong or 2 gallons of water and weak. You decide how big you want your shots to be and then add the bacteriostatic water.

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Even I fucked up a bitand had my little bro taking 50mcg of IGF1 rather than 30mcg, but I gave him more and told him to keep running it at 50mcg b/c that is the standard dose anyway. I just figured 30mcg would be good b/c he has great genetics.

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Slin pin reading combined with peptide use can be tricky for a bit until you are very use to it and always stay consistant with dilution.
