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I'm 5'9 220lbs what is the best cycle for a firt time juice i would like to add about 20lbs or more of QUALITY MASS. With a little Definition at the same time i was thinking sust. deca or test? i wanted to use maybe one compound by itself stacked with Dbol'>D-bol @ 250-500mg a week any suggestions? oh yeah for about 10-12 weeks :cardio:

Steel Reserves
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No offense here but it sounds like your rushing things. Take some time to research, the awnsers to your questions can be awnsered with a little leg work. For example, you say your considering sust,deca, or test. Well sust is test, a combonation of 4 tests actually. If you want to use one type by itself make it some form of test, instead of a deca only cycle(or you'll never be able to get it up;)) For a recommendation I would say get yourself some enanthanate or cypionate. Run it at 400mg/wk for 10-12wks. You can add some dbols in the first 4-5wks @25-30mg/ed. And DON'T FORGET to run a good pct.


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Thanks for the info
