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Hello there, I am new to the board and interested in learning all I can. I am a veteran personal trainer and am 6'1, 230 lbs and have been lifting for 8 yrs. I have 32in waist, 50 in chest, 19in flexed arm, 27-28in legs.
I have about 7% bodyfat now and carry 4-5% in the summer. I can deadlift and squat over 500lbs for reps, curl 150 with strict form and bench 350 for reps. No lies here.
I have never used steroids and think it is time to learn before trying them, I think I am reaching my genetic potential.

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Originally posted by fitness96
No lies here.

We believe you brother :D.

Welcome to the AZ community.

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I am interested in a first cycle with few side effects and 10-20 lb gain that I can keep. I am still researching.

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Welcome to the AZ!

EQ-test bro thats the best. But primo is supposed to be the safest. But let me tell you side effect hype is mostly just that. Sides are rare i have never had any bad sides, and most bros here will tell you the same. If done right , and not abused A/S are very safe.
The worst side effect you'll probably ever have is acne.

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Thanks guys, I have been looking at the cycles on the other forums. I can only get depot Testosterone right now. what if I just do 1ml for 10 weeks? This is my first time and I have gone up to 245 naturally with 8-10%fat. I just want to be a hard 230-235 for now. that may change in the future.

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Welcome to AZ, bro!
No need to rush your cycle. If you really wanna benefit from your experience with juice then wait till you learn more about steroids and plan your cycle carefully with whatever gear will work best for you, not what you can get your hands on right now. Also, you should never forget about protecting yourself during the cycle against possible side-effects and the post-cycle therapy.

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Demon gave you good advice. If you stick around the board for a bit you'll find hook ups for any type of gear your heart desires.

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Sounds good. what is next, just start talking and do I go to the other forums?

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Welcome to AZ

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read, read and read some more before starting a cycle or planning a cycle.

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you sit at 4 0r 5% bf all summer long at 230? thats crazy.. way to much dieting for me!

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I cant maintain 230 lbs in the summer. I run a personal training company and do a lot of running with clients in the summer. I go down to 200-210 in the summer at 4-5% fat, it is hard and once I start eating more carbs and fat, I gain weight very quickly. This year I went back up to 230 in two months. I will go up to 240-250 in the winter , with a gut though.

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Welcome To AZ!

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Welcome to AZ bro, and I am glad you joined the most knowledgeable people around!
