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I FUCKIN HATE PEOPLE WITH AIR LATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I hear ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL yea the ILS (Imaginary Lat Sydrome) is a fucking epidemic where I live little skinny shits walking around all swoll up in a extra small wife beater and it still is falling off of them. Also people who look at me like I am a fucking freak piss me off too.

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Yeah no shit. I was just about to post a sight about this. There's a guy here at the gym I work at and chrimminy, this little scrawny dude is all walking around with his arms all dangling around his sides like he's got the posture of a gorilla, only all you can see is air, stick like arms and a total gay mullet. Do they have a place for people like this? I mean I'm not saying I'm absolutely huge, but to walk around like a fucking idiot, uh...yeah, you're fucking kidding right!?!


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Originally posted by gremster
Do they have a place for people like this?

Yes, the dumpster behind the gym after you put a bullet (or six) into his head.


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lot of big guys walking around the same way dudes.air lat. now thats funny

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LOL...air lats...:D

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Yeah there's a fucking idiot that walks around my gym like that and he isn't even very big! In fact I was watching him do flat bench dumbells with 65's and he struggled to do 8 and then slammed them down real loud and got up and did the "air-lat walk" to the fountain I waited till he went back over to the bench and picked them up to do his next set...I said "heavy day huh?" and just gave him a look like he's a fucking moron! Lucky for him....he didn't say shit back!

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LMAO!!! Air Lats huh??? lol I like that shit!!! funny stuff!!!


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hehe almost as bad as their imaginary quads!! funny as to watch people with air lats, they are the ones that wish they were huge, like today i saw a guy at the gym probly about 180lb's pulling more then 200lbs on the lat pulldown machine. haha little did he know he was getting a leg workout fom standing up then pulling as hard down as he could for 2 reps!! hehe stand up stand down.
then to sound big aswell, they gotta drop that 200 pounds when they sitting down so as to make the gym rumble and all the treadmill girls look at him, makes him think hes fucken massive! what was even funnier is i was on the treadmills and laughed at him, he wasn't impressed lol. mr.BIGNUTS in the gym is always the little guys.
